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Distributed Content and Collaboration

Consolidate, Control, and Distribute Content with Nirvanix Cloud Storage

Nirvanix offers a complete solution for content storage needs. When you integrate storage for applications, services, and web sites into the Nirvanix cloud, you will replace disparate, ad hoc storage repositories and their attendant costs and complexity with a single, secure, unlimited solution. You will gain a global network of storage nodes that intelligently stores data in the best location for optimal performance, and you will consolidate files for digital asset and content management. You will control access to all data using a global namespace and safeguard them with policy-based replication. You can classify files using metadata and tagging, and then distribute them with easily managed child accounts for teams and projects. Moreover, by controlling and managing storage according to your business needs, you will facilitate the use of content, leveraging its business value and improving productivity and efficiencies.

Key Benefits

File Sharing

Enable content exchanges within and beyond the enterprise

Streamlined Collaboration

Distribute files to improve content-intensive workflows

Efficient Storage Management

Classify, organize, and find files for efficient storage

Reduce Cost and Complexity

Eliminate multiple repositories for on-demand provisioning and simplified management

Do you need to securely transfer files to divisions and partners around the world?

Business processes today are highly distributed. Divisions and work groups must continually share information with each other and with customers, partners, and suppliers—sometimes across the globe. Using email attachments to forward content, however, results in many copies of files residing on multiple servers and desktops, consuming network resources and posing version control problems that cripple productivity. At the same time, allocating internal storage for sharing and collaboration presents unauthorized access issues that are laborious to resolve.
The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is the only cloud storage service that offers global access under a single namespace, making it the ideal storage distribution platform for today’s enterprise workflows.

You can create multiple password-protected child accounts to control access to data for different users and workgroups. Each account is easily managed and can have unique storage and bandwidth limits associated with it. You also can embed content on websites, create content-depot drop boxes, or deploy whitelists to authorize access via IP. To further expedite file reusability and collaborations, Nirvanix’s policy-based geo-location functionality automatically determines the optimal location to store your files within the network. Moreover, you can specify one or more globally dispersed nodes to ensure content is in proximity to your distributed users.

Are your organization’s ad hoc or dispersed storage solutions becoming unwieldy and unmanageable?

Digital asset management and software-as-a-service applications are invaluable for optimizing employee efficiency. However, their rapid penetration into networks often forces divisional IT departments to support them with ad hoc storage on file servers. This has created dispersed, multiple storage repositories that are unwieldy to manage and audit. Uncontrolled file servers, in particular, have spawned availability and security risks that are unacceptable for business data, services, or applications.

By integrating the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network into your applications, you can consolidate all storage in one managed location, doing away with disparate information silos that inflict administrative and financial burdens. Nirvanix’s standards-based APIs or our CloudNAS enable you to easily integrate your applications and services into the cloud. You also will gain policy-based replication that can save multiple copies of files at secure, globally-distributed storage nodes. With Nirvanix, your data are always available and you are always in control.

Do unstructured data so litter your network that finding and using content can be difficult?

Information clutters every network. When unstructured data are stored in scattered repositories, locating content for use can be challenging. Additionally, email attachments exchanged between employees, let alone entire work groups, create multiple copies of the same files. The impact on enterprises can be very substantial. Content becomes fragmented and difficult to use, resulting in missed opportunities to leverage information. Unneeded copies of files residing on servers waste costly network resources and present version-control issues that disrupt the workflows of content-centric processes. Productivity and efficiencies suffer.

By consolidating your applications onto the Nirvanix storage cloud, you gain control of both your storage and data. Nirvanix supports metadata functionality so you can tag and organize files when you store them. You can maintain your categorization methodologies and enable customizable search parameters that even include the properties of multimedia files. Additionally, you have full file system functionality and can create and control dedicated storage repositories for workgroups, enabling you to further organize files and facilitate their access.