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Consolidate, Control, and Distribute Content with Nirvanix Cloud Storage

Nirvanix offers a complete solution for content storage needs. When you integrate storage for applications, services, and web sites into the Nirvanix cloud, you will replace disparate, ad hoc storage repositories and their attendant costs and complexity with a single, secure, unlimited solution. You will gain a global network of storage nodes that intelligently stores data in the best location for optimal performance, and you will consolidate files for digital asset and content management. You will control access to all data using a global namespace and safeguard them with policy-based replication. You can classify files using metadata and tagging, and then distribute them with easily managed child accounts for teams and projects. Moreover, by controlling and managing storage according to your business needs, you will facilitate the use of content, leveraging its business value and improving productivity and efficiencies.

Key Benefits

File Sharing

Enable content exchanges within and beyond the enterprise

Streamlined Collaboration

Distribute files to improve content-intensive workflows

Efficient Storage Management

Classify, organize, and find files for efficient storage

Reduce Cost and Complexity

Eliminate multiple repositories for on-demand provisioning and simplified management

Do you need to securely transfer files to divisions and partners around the world?

Business processes today are highly distributed. Divisions and work groups must continually share information with each other and with customers, partners, and suppliers—sometimes across the globe. Using email attachments to forward content, however, results in many copies of files residing on multiple servers and desktops, consuming network resources and posing version control problems that cripple productivity. At the same time, allocating internal storage for sharing and collaboration presents unauthorized access issues that are laborious to resolve.
The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is the only cloud storage service that offers global access under a single namespace, making it the ideal storage distribution platform for today’s enterprise workflows.

You can create multiple password-protected child accounts to control access to data for different users and workgroups. Each account is easily managed and can have unique storage and bandwidth limits associated with it. You also can embed content on websites, create content-depot drop boxes, or deploy whitelists to authorize access via IP. To further expedite file reusability and collaborations, Nirvanix’s policy-based geo-location functionality automatically determines the optimal location to store your files within the network. Moreover, you can specify one or more globally dispersed nodes to ensure content is in proximity to your distributed users.

Are your organization’s ad hoc or dispersed storage solutions becoming unwieldy and unmanageable?

Digital asset management and software-as-a-service applications are invaluable for optimizing employee efficiency. However, their rapid penetration into networks often forces divisional IT departments to support them with ad hoc storage on file servers. This has created dispersed, multiple storage repositories that are unwieldy to manage and audit. Uncontrolled file servers, in particular, have spawned availability and security risks that are unacceptable for business data, services, or applications.

By integrating the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network into your applications, you can consolidate all storage in one managed location, doing away with disparate information silos that inflict administrative and financial burdens. Nirvanix’s standards-based APIs or our CloudNAS enable you to easily integrate your applications and services into the cloud. You also will gain policy-based replication that can save multiple copies of files at secure, globally-distributed storage nodes. With Nirvanix, your data are always available and you are always in control.

Do unstructured data so litter your network that finding and using content can be difficult?

Information clutters every network. When unstructured data are stored in scattered repositories, locating content for use can be challenging. Additionally, email attachments exchanged between employees, let alone entire work groups, create multiple copies of the same files. The impact on enterprises can be very substantial. Content becomes fragmented and difficult to use, resulting in missed opportunities to leverage information. Unneeded copies of files residing on servers waste costly network resources and present version-control issues that disrupt the workflows of content-centric processes. Productivity and efficiencies suffer.

By consolidating your applications onto the Nirvanix storage cloud, you gain control of both your storage and data. Nirvanix supports metadata functionality so you can tag and organize files when you store them. You can maintain your categorization methodologies and enable customizable search parameters that even include the properties of multimedia files. Additionally, you have full file system functionality and can create and control dedicated storage repositories for workgroups, enabling you to further organize files and facilitate their access.

Optimize Storage SLAs and Cost by Leveraging Cloud Storage as a New Tier

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is your tier for unlimited & accessible storage

Moving forward, the costs and complexity of meeting relentless storage demands will only increase, as will expectations that even archival data be quickly accessible. The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is a unique managed storage service that offers virtually limitless capacity on demand at a lower cost than any on-premise solution. Simply install the Nirvanix CloudNAS software on a server (or in a virtual machine) and your applications can read and write to the cloud just like any file server. By leveraging a less expensive, disk-based storage tier, you will reserve your primary storage for production applications and data, while satisfying stringent compliance, SLAs, and governance demands. Moreover, our solution consultants can help you to implement best practices and standardize your storage service catalog using the cloud to achieve unsurpassed storage efficiencies.

Key Benefits

Lower Cost

Reduce the growth of your expensive, nearline storage environment

Highly Accessible

Continuously access and use your data

Reduced Complexity

Eliminate management, maintenance, and capacity planning for multiple tiers of storage

Better Performance Against SLAs

Accelerate recovery times for all data to meet business expectations for accessibility

Effortless Control

Policies, monitoring capabilities, and a familiar file system provide complete control over your stored data


How can I store perpetually growing volumes of data?

Data growth was once modest, files were small, and keeping primary data on NAS did not tax staff or budgets. But realities have changed. Networks now support most business operations, swelling data creation, and files are content-rich and much larger. Regulatory and business practices not only demand that enterprises retain key data for longer time periods, but also require that the files be readily accessible. Moreover, with network data business critical, SLAs necessitate faster recovery time objectives (RTOs).

In this new reality, traditional NAS, nearline, and tape strategies have become expensive and complex. Continually expanding a data center or DR site imposes heavy capital costs, greater power, cooling, and space demands, as well as larger IT staffs. Deduplication and compression techniques help only temporarily to slow data growth. Even if infinite money, floor space, and operations staff were available, building out bullet-proof storage to satisfy business, regulatory, and SLA demands is challenging.

With all this in mind, we created the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network to meet your present and future storage needs. Using the Nirvanix cloud, you can consolidate lower tiers of storage and tape into one accessible archive, eliminating the complexity and expense of designing, configuring, and operating tiered storage. You will gain virtually infinite storage capacity with security measures likely to exceed those of your network, freeing you to focus on production data. You will enhance operational efficiencies and sharply reduce hardware, space, energy, and staffing costs.

Are you getting the ROI you expected from tiered storage?

To contain costs, enterprises keep production data on high-end, high-performance systems while consigning static and archival data to lower performing, less costly “bulk” storage. Yet, tiering storage poses recurring issues that undermine return on investment. In-house tiered storage still requires buying, configuring, and managing costly storage solutions with no end in sight. It also perpetually demands more floor space, larger power and cooling budgets, and more staff maintenance. Additionally, there are inefficiencies. To ensure SLAs are always met, applications as well as aging data, despite their low utilization, are often hosted on expensive storage systems that exceed agreement terms. The economic sweet spot is “just right” storage that sustains SLAs without incurring costs for unnecessary performance.

Cloud storage offers a highly cost-effective alternative to in-house lower-tier storage. At a fraction of the cost, Nirvanix delivers enterprise-ready storage that meets your SLAs. We simplify the management of your tiers by integrating Nirvanix CloudNAS with existing applications so you can seamlessly move data to the cloud. You can even use our policy-based replication to meet higher SLAs for availability. By turning to the virtually unlimited capacity of the cloud, you will realize the strongest returns on investment while still leveraging in-house storage for the applications that require it.

Does your non-primary storage actually meet your accessibility requirements?

Many enterprises invest in tiered storage to comply cost-effectively with data retention policies and SLAs. They eventually store data on tape in an off-premises vault, freeing up storage in the data center. However, there are rising expectations for data access due to compliance and electronic discovery requirements and the need to rapidly reuse data/content to realize their business value. Yet, when tapes are locked away, files become inaccessible. Both simple requests, like a user clicking on an old email, or complex ones, like a legal discovery that spans time segments, can require retrieving and mounting multiple pieces of media and then manually accessing the data.

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network keeps your data continuously accessible. By storing your data on disks in the cloud, your enterprise benefits from lower ownership costs and much faster recovery time objectives (RTO) and time-to-reuse (TTR) than tape. You will meet if not surpass your compliance, SLA, and discovery requirements.

Safety, Compliance & Peace of Mind – Nirvanix Meets Today’s Data Protection Challenges

You can move beyond the limitations of traditional backup and archiving solutions by leveraging the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network as a secure remote repository for your critical data. Data stored with Nirvanix are quickly and easily saved at one or more hardened, geographically remote locations, but always remain instantly accessible for compliance and business needs. Data are encrypted both in flight and at rest for extraordinary security. Our CloudNAS software and open API allow many popular backup and archiving products to write directly to our storage cloud and they support the leading deduplication and compression solutions. With Nirvanix, you maximize IT budgets by paying only for what you use rather than continually building out complex, expensive, and error-prone tape infrastructures.

We believe that policies equal control, which equals compliance. Our policy-based solutions give you unsurpassed control of your data, opening up new possibilities for your archives. Customize your storage by storing copies of files at multiple sites to meet stringent retention policies. Precisely control who accesses your accounts and assign different policies to different data sets. Quickly verify, find, and retrieve files for compliance needs. In the process, you will replace hefty capital investments with a flexible, monthly operational expense. We simplify the safekeeping and maintenance of archival storage, even automatically and seamlessly migrating data to new discs on standard refresh cycles. You will free IT resources for production data and meet all compliance, business, and governance requirements securely and cost-effectively.

Key Benefits

Reduce Costs

Eliminate hardware purchases and labor-intensive tape backups

Secure Storage

Data is copied to one or more remote SAS 70-compliant locations and encrypted both in flight and at rest

Instant Access

Data is immediately accessible for restore, reuse, or compliance

Reduce Complexity

Eliminate management and maintenance of tape and disk systems

Effortless Control

Policies, monitoring capabilities, and a familiar file system provide complete control over your stored data

Why do I need the headache and cost of keeping copies off-site?

Whether bound by regulations or good business practices, all enterprises must store copies of their critical data away from their data centers to protect this information from natural disasters and accidental or malicious modification. However, long-term retention demands complex and difficult to manage technology refreshes and data migrations. Moreover, an effective retention policy today must meet stringent demands.

The offsite storage repository has to be highly secure, continually monitored, and, of course, cost-effective. It has to be forever scalable as the volume of data generated grows inexorably and regulatory guidelines impose longer retention periods. Data also must be available constantly and easily to satisfy business and recovery needs. Finally, files must be quickly searchable and accessible to verify and fulfill regulatory compliance. Enterprises can meet these requirements using internal resources, which typically strain budgets and IT staffs, or by turning to simpler, more economical solutions offered by storage service providers.

Why not continue to rely on backup tapes?

For decades, tape media has been the traditional data retention strategy for most enterprises. Although tape locks away large volumes of data, it is a generations-old technology that no longer meet business needs in the age of high-speed data networking and regulatory compliance.

First, tape is burdensome. The media requires IT staff to manually and routinely make backups and ship the tape offsite. Moreover, enterprises suffer from vendor lock-in because they must use the same hardware and software environment five years from now to read tapes made today. Therefore, while tape may initially seem practical and cost-effective, it generates many expenses that elevate its long-term cost of ownership.

Second, accessing data from tape is cumbersome. Retrieving data demands poring over indexes of tape contents, obtaining the appropriate tapes, and carefully rebuilding the files on production networks. This laborious process consumes IT resources and delays access to business-critical information.

Therefore, and this is a deal-breaker, tape is woefully inadequate in today’s regulatory environment. Administrators must verify that vital data are stored and quickly locate and retrieve specific information should a compliance issue arise. Yet tape indexes are limited and provide no full-text search capability. Consequently, tape suffers in comparison to modern alternatives like the Nirvanix cloud storage service.

Is your data really secure on tape?

If used properly, tape media can effectively warehouse data offsite, but this is a mission-critical “if.” The process of writing, handling, shipping, and retrieving tapes is notoriously error-prone. There are few error-checking procedures to confirm that all data have been properly stored. In fact, many high-profile data-loss incidents were due to the improper handling of tapes.

These limitations undermine the security of a long-term tape backup strategy, particularly since superior alternatives are now available. Advanced solutions from Nirvanix encrypt data both in flight and at rest and enable you to instantly verify the integrity of your files.

Is in-house data replication a good alternative to tape?

For years, enterprises have replicated their data to disk at offsite locations for the rapid recovery of operations in the event of a disaster. Yet, merely retaining a single active mirror of a data set leaves much to be desired when it comes to meeting backup and compliance demands. Long-term retention requires multiple point-in-time copies, permitting a rollback of data to a previous state. Additionally, compliance archives must be immutable if they are to show the state of a system at a certain point in the past. Therefore, while replication and mirroring are excellent choices for disaster recovery, they do not meet all today’s data protection needs.

Moreover, in-house replication is expensive and complex. It requires building, staffing, configuring, and operating a remote data center, which is very costly. It also entails installing over-provisioned hardware to ensure future capacity, driving up capital outlays still further. The fact is the costs and complexity of maintaining long-term, compliance-ready storage repositories are only going to worsen. Addressing compliance and business demands with in-house backup is becoming too expensive and burdensome for all but the most highly capitalized enterprises

Nirvanix has partnered with the industry-leading backup and archiving software vendors to enable seamless access to the Cloud Storage Network.

Symantec Corporation

Symantec industry leading backup and archiving software combined with Nirvanix enterprise-class cloud storage services provide a reliable and simple way to use the cloud as easily as on-premise storage while lowering costs. With Symantec Cloud Storage Solutions for Nirvanix, integration between Symantec NetBackup, Backup Exec, and Enterprise Vault software and Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is simple, automated, and policy-based. Nirvanix cloud storage appears in the Symantec administrator console as disk storage, just like a local storage device. You can start moving data to the cloud with one click in minutes – not days, months or years.

Veeam Software

Veeam Software, an Elite VMware Technology Alliance partner, develops innovative products for virtual infrastructure management and data protection. Customers can reduce costs, minimize risks and fully realize the promise of virtualization with Veeam. Veeam vPower™ provides advanced Virtualization-Powered Data Protection™ and is the underlying technology in Veeam Backup & Replication™, the #1 VMware backup solution.

Riverbed Technology

Riverbed Technology and Nirvanix have partnered to create a complete enterprise cloud storage solution that provides a secure, easy to implement, scalable service for storing and protecting backup data in the public cloud. Riverbed® Whitewater™ storage acceleration appliances and the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network™ together significantly reduce costs through an elastic pay-as-you-go storage pool for backups and archives and the elimination of expensive remote disaster recovery hardware.

CommVault Systems, Inc.

Nirvanix and CommVault have partnered to bring enterprise cloud storage to Simpana customers via an integrated cloud storage connector. The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is now accessible as an offsite scalable storage target enabling secure transfer of data directly to any of its globally distributed storage nodes.


From large, centralized data centers and distributed enterprises to small remote offices, Atempo provides highly-scalable backup and recovery, archiving and security solutions for Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX, iSeries and all major databases and applications. Atempo has integrated Nirvanix support directly into Atempo Digital Archive, an enterprise-level archiving solutions to solve the growing problem of managing storage resources and ensuring long-term protection of business-critical data.

We looked at lots of cloud storage providers and tested them all. We looked at the features like file sharing, syncing, and security to make sure they were good. We also checked how much they cost and made sure there was good customer service. This list shows which ones are the best down to the worst in order from top to bottom.

Best Cloud Storage Providers



  • Get up to 10 GB of free storage.
  • Sync solutions are great.
  • Transfer speeds have no limit.
  • Easy to use.
  • File sizes can be as big as you want them to be.
  • Encrypted on your computer for safety.
  • Lifetime plans available.
  • Servers in the US and EU countries too!
  • Backup files on your computer automatically included


  • The free plan does not have encryption for your computer.
  • And there is no special chat or phone help available.

pCloud is a great cloud service. It offers the best protection, and you can upload and download at fast speeds. In the past it had some issues, but now it’s one of the best services around. The security is excellent and there are no limits for file size or speed. They also have a backup feature but it’s not their main focus.

pCloud is a great way to store your files. They don’t take up the storage space on your computer. You can access them from the cloud, and even save them for offline use. Lots of people are using pCloud, and more join every day! Cloud Storage Provider


  • A Zero-Knowledge platform is a safe place to store your information.
  • It can’t be seen by the US government.
  • Your data will be encrypted so it’s private.
  • You can get your money back if you don’t like it within 30 days.
  • The platform is easy to use and modern, with lots of options for syncing, sharing and getting files back.
  • There’s no limit on how much you can transfer from place to place.


  • No help over the phone or through live chat for people.

Sync is a great storage option. They make sure your files are safe and secure. It is easy to use and modern too. You can also upgrade to get even better syncing and sharing options.

The prices are good compared to other companies. Plus, you can get help quickly from their customer service team.

Icedrive Cloud Storage Provider


  • Good prices.
  • Plans that last a long time.
  • Easy to use on computers, phones, and tablets.
  • Security to keep your information safe.
  • People who help you quickly if you need it.
  • Apps for Android and iPhones.
  • Extra security using two passwords or codes when signing in.
  • Payment with cryptocurrencies on lifetime plans.


Icedrive is a cloud storage provider from the UK. It is special because it has modern solutions and encryption to keep your information safe. It also allows you to stream videos, look at photos and documents, which are features you can use with cloud storage. They have good prices for lifetime plans too.

Cubbit Cloud Storage Provider

  • Distributed secure cloud storage:
  • This is a type of cloud storage that requires only one payment.
  • You can add more hard drives to make it bigger.
  • It tries to help the environment by reducing carbon dioxide.
  • It is easy to get started and use.
  • You can have up to 4 accounts with just one purchase.
  • Your information will be private and encrypted so no one else can see it.
  • There are people who can help you if you need assistance using this type of storage.


  • Many features are still being worked on.
  • You can share some things, but not everything.
  • There is no trash bin or way to keep different versions of files.
  • And there are no mobile applications yet, but they’re coming soon.

Cubbit is a company from Italy that helps to store your information. They use 256-bit encryption, which means they keep your data very secure. You can buy different sizes of storage space and don’t need to pay a subscription fee.

MEGA Cloud Storage Provider


  • You get 15 GB of storage for free.
  • It is very secure and keeps your information private.
  • The sync client works well.
  • The mobile app is helpful.
  • You can use FTP connection too.


  • At busy times, it can be slow.
  • There are not many ways to get help if you need it.

MEGA is one of the best cloud storage providers. It is in the top 10 list of most efficient systems ever. MEGA got 5th place for best cloud storage service. It scored 85% on things like privacy, speed, extra features, syncing and sharing files.

This cloud storage has excellent security and privacy. It uses a special encryption system that only you can access. Nobody else will be able to get into your account, or see any of the data, files or folders inside it.

MEGA Cloud Storage has extra security with Two-Factor Authentication. It follows the GDPR rules as well. MEGA works with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. You can upload any size file or folder to it too.

MEGA is a cloud storage provider. It can only sync files, not folders. But it can still do selective syncing, which means that you choose what to sync and what not to sync.

MEGA can only keep files in sync.. But it still has a way to pick and choose what you want in the cloud.

This cloud storage service will take up space on your computer. It does not have an imaginary drive. With this cloud storage, you can share files with other people even if they do not have a MEGA Cloud Storage account. If you sign up for the Pro plan, you can also make the download link private with a password and set an expiry date.

Users don’t need to have a MEGA Cloud Storage account. The person with the link will never be able to see what is in the folder connected to the link. This makes sure your privacy stays safe.

This cloud storage service has MEGAchat. This lets you have private conversations, like chat, calls and video calls. They also have an app and you can connect to it with FTP connection.

Try the paid plans for 14 days. Enjoy fast downloading and uploading speeds. Share files easily. Use apps made just for this service. Keep all your files organized in one place.

Tresorit Cloud Storage Provider


  • Try the paid plans for 14 days.
  • Swiss laws keep your information safe and things you upload are encrypted.
  • Uploads and downloads are fast.
  • Easily share files with others.
  • The applications are well made and help you organize your files.


  • The downside is that there isn’t a lot of free storage.
  • It can also be quite expensive.
  • The premium plan costs €9.99 each month, but you only get 500 GB storage space and can use it on 5 devices.

Tresorit cloud storage got a 45% rating on price and plans, which is much lower than the ratings of its competitors. But it has lots of features and things it can do.

If you use Windows on your computer, you can get Tresorit cloud storage. It will work with Microsoft Outlook so you can share files in a secure way through emails. Then, it will automatically upload and store all your photos on the servers.

I recommend Tresorit for data security. It encrypts your files on your computer before sending them to the cloud storage provider. No one else can read the data without the encryption key, not even Tresorit. You keep that key private.

This data encryption is called client-side encryption. It uses a zero-knowledge system and two steps to make sure your account is safe. Tresorit follows the rules of GDPR and HIPAA.

This cloud storage provider has something special called an imaginary drive. This means it does not take up any space on your computer. Anything you save in the cloud will be shown on all devices that have your Tresorit account attached.

Tresorit keeps files safe in a cloud storage and uses imaginary drives to make sure nothing is lost.

You can also share links for files that are up to 2 GB in size. You can make as many shared links as you want with the premium plan.

Dropbox Cloud Storage Provider


  • You can store and retrieve files easily.
  • You can share with a lot of people.
  • There are lots of support services to help you if you need it.
  • There are also lots of extra apps like Zoom, Slack, Trello, and a password manager that you can use too.


  • The service is a bit pricey.
  • It does not keep backups of your data.
  • You have to pay money to use some features.
  • It does not encrypt your data.
  • The government can access your information easily.

Dropbox is one of the best cloud storage companies. It got 79% for its performance in 8 areas. If it had not had a security problem in 2012, it would have scored higher.

Don’t think only bad things about Dropbox. It is one of the best cloud storage systems. It scored 95% for how well it can get files from the cloud.

To keep all the versions of your files longer, get the Professional plan. This plan will store all versions of your files for 180 days.

Dropbox has something special called “Rewind”. Dropbox also has a trash bin so you can keep track of what was deleted.

You can upload a file or folder up to 50 GB using their website.

Using block-level sync can make it faster to move files and folders from the cloud. It looks for and sends only the parts of the files or folders that have been changed, instead of sending all of them. This saves time.

Dropbox uses a very strong kind of encryption called 256-bit AES. It also has extra security like SSL/TLS and Two-Factor Authentication that helps keep your data safe. But it does not have something called zero-knowledge encryption, which means that the US government can look at your information if they need to, even if you don’t want them to.

Koofr Cloud Storage Provider


  • You can choose between different prices.
  • You can share files easily.
  • It follows the rules GDPR set out.
  • You can work with Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive
  • Can track a lot of details.


  • It can be tricky to use.
  • You cannot save only the parts you change, and the free version will keep things for a short time only.
  • Your data is not secure, and there is no way to get help directly from someone while you are using it.

It got an 81% rating for 8 different things that it can do. It did even better when people tried out how easy it was to use, share files, and use special features. Those ratings were between 90% and 95%.

This cloud storage provider is very safe and secure. It uses a special encryption to protect your files and folders from any unauthorized access. This encryption is called 256-bit AES data encryption. When you send files to the provider, they are also protected with another type of encryption called SSL on top of TLS data encryption.

Your files are safe and private with this cloud storage provider. They don’t allow anyone to track your data. This provider follows the laws that protect your data like the GDPR and HIPAA. All of their data centers in Germany have been checked to make sure they keep your data secure.

This cloud storage provider is special because they send your files to 3 different servers and data centers. This means that if one of the places gets damaged, your files can still be recovered. So you won’t lose any data.

This cloud storage provider does not have a way to make sure your data is safe. But there is something you can do. You can use the Rclone tool to make sure your data stays private. This is only for people who know a lot about technology and who are comfortable setting up the Rclone tool.

Koofr is exciting because it lets you access files and folders on Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. Even if you are just logged in to Koofr, you can still get to the files from those 3 places.

You can look at the activity page to make sure you don’t miss anything. The system will also tell you about every change or action that takes place in your account.

Koofr also has a trash bin where you can find deleted files for up to 7 days. This is not as long as other cloud storage, but it still works for most people.

Koofr can save up to 5 different versions of any file you edit. That way, you can look back at the old versions and compare them with what you have now.

You can get it for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone devices.

Google Drive Cloud Storage Provider


  • You can use Google Apps.
  • There are lots of helpful programs you can add.


  • Does not protect your information with special encryption.
  • It also does not have some features for teams.
  • The client for synchronizing is basic and the speed to download or upload could be faster.
  • You are limited in how you can share things.

Even though it only has a score of 79%, Google Drive is still ranked 9th on the list.

Google Drive is very secure. They use 128-bit AES encryption which is very hard to break, even by hackers using supercomputers. This makes it almost impossible for anyone to get into your information.

Before sending your files and folders to the cloud storage system, they are encrypted. That means that no one can read them. There is no way to encrypt your files on the client side for this platform.
Data privacy is a bit uncertain even though there are lots of rules to follow. These rules come from GDPR, PIPEDA, and HIPAA.

If it reaches the maximum number before 30 days, it will start deleting earlier versions of the file. You get to choose which version you want to keep permanently.

You can take pictures and upload them to the cloud storage. You can also upload other types of files, like documents, PDFs, photos, music and videos from your phone.

OneDrive Cloud Storage Provider


  • Students and teachers can use it for free.
  • Easy to use.
  • Synchronizes files quickly.


  • You cannot share with many people.
  • Your information is not safe.
  • You cannot sync any folder you want.
  • The maximum size for files is small.

You can tell it to upload your files to the cloud without saving them on your computer.

OneDrive is a great tool if you need more space on your computer. You don’t have to get rid of it completely.

You don’t need that much space for documents, pictures or short videos.

Dropbox and OneDrive both have secure systems to protect your data.
OneDrive has a cool feature called “block-level sync”. You can also edit Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint files right in OneDrive.

How We Came Up With The Best Cloud Storage Providers

I did not pick the most popular, advertised, or used solutions. Instead, I spent a lot of time researching and reading reviews to make sure each service is good. For each one, I looked at certain things that are important for cloud computing today.

The reviews for cloud storage services are always changing. We compare all of the services based on their features. This list of reviews changes often, so we update it too.

  • Price and plans: How easy it is to use.
  • Syncing files: Putting files together.
  • Sharing files: Giving someone else a copy of your file.
  • Getting files back: Finding the file you need again.
  • Security: Keeping your information safe.
  • Online help: Getting help over the Internet if you need it.
  • Extra features: Anything extra that comes with the program or service.

Pricing and subscription plans

The service needs to be affordable for people. If it is too expensive, they will choose a different provider even if that one isn’t as good.

People usually want to spend less money. This means that more people buy the cloud storage services from companies who have lower prices than the competitors with higher prices.

People can get this offer by telling their friends about the service. They can do this by email or on social media. They can also download the cloud storage provider’s desktop client to get it.

Ease of use

It is important to look at how easy it is to use the cloud storage service. Check if the service offers a one-click registration with an existing Facebook, G-Mail or Twitter account. This can make it quicker and easier to sign up for the service.

When signing up for an account, you need to make sure that the company is not asking for too much information. Some companies may ask for credit card details or bank information even if you are only getting a free trial account or permanent fee plan. Make sure this is okay before giving away any personal information.

This can be annoying and inconvenient. If they ask for this information, it is best to stay away from them. Do not give out confidential details about yourself if you don’t have to.

When looking for a good cloud storage service, check how easy the system is to use. See if the menu options are clear and you can find what you need quickly. That will help you use it more effectively.

Also check if they allow you to edit documents.

File Syncing

A cloud storage system has an imaginary drive. This means it won’t use extra space if someone else sends a file or document to you. It will only use up your space if you upload the file first. pCloud is one of these cloud storage services, but remember that most of them have a sync folder on your computer or laptop.

Cloud storage providers use the sync folder system. This means that files will be copied to all your devices like a laptop, tablet, and smartphone. The file will take up space on each device and in your cloud storage account.

​​When using cloud storage, you should find out how fast files upload and download. People don’t want a slow system. Also, find out the file size limit for uploading files. Different companies have different limits.

Not all providers have this feature, so it’s crucial to gather information about it. If the provider offers it, you should explore the advanced menu options to see if there is a submenu for assigning and changing permissions for the person you’re sharing the folder with.

When someone is given permission to view something, you have two choices. You can give them permission to only look at things, or you can give them full access. Full access means they can see and change anything in the shared folder.

Retrieving Files

Different cloud storage providers have different rules. Some will keep them forever unless you delete them permanently. Others will delete them after a certain number of days. Check with your provider to see which rule applies to you.


Data encryption is a way to keep information safe. Different types have different levels of safety. They use different sizes of keys and blocks, and do different things with the data.. It helps us know how secure the service is

This helps protect it from hackers and people who are trying to get your private data. You should also check if the cloud storage service uses TLS/SSL when sending information. That will also help keep your data secure.

Companies that offer cloud storage need to follow rules from the EU-US Privacy Shield and Swiss- Privacy Shield. They also have follow the International Safe Harbor Privacy Principles. And for health information, they should use the HITECH Act.

But if you don’t know how to use them, it doesn’t help. That’s why there is customer online support. If something goes wrong, the customer online support can help fix it.

The customer online support system should be available all the time to help people with their questions. Check if the service provider has user manuals and a FAQ page. See if they have videos that show how to use the service. That can help you decide which one is best for you.

When choosing a cloud storage provider, you should check if they have phone support. If not, make sure they have email customer support and a live chat system. This way if there are any problems, you can get help quickly.

Are you considering starting your own virtual call center but not sure where to begin? It’s a booming industry, with one-third of customer service reps expected to work remotely by 2023.

We’re here to make the process simple for you as this article walks you through step-by-step guidance on how to establish your own profitable digital hub. Don’t miss out; let’s dive in and turn your dream into a successful reality!

Understanding the Concept of a Virtual Call Center

A virtual call center operates digitally, removing the need to maintain a physical location for staff members. It harnesses cloud technology and uses advanced software systems like VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) to handle inbound and outbound calls from multiple locations.

Acting as a hub for sales and support activities, it enhances productivity by being constantly accessible regardless of time zones.

Virtual call centers are all about accessing an extensive pool of talent without geographical constraints. Employees operate remotely, providing them with flexibility that boosts their work-life balance.

Such arrangements help retain top performing staff, reduce employee turnover rate significantly while maintaining business efficiency. Furthermore, supervisors get the power to monitor agent performance using specific digital tools available in call center software packages which includes features like live feed and dashboard analytics among others.

Why Businesses Should Opt for a Virtual Call Center

Opting for a virtual call center significantly reduces overhead costs as no physical office space, utilities or equipment are required. Instead of investing in traditional infrastructure, businesses can direct their funds towards enhancing service delivery and other key aspects like employee training.

With cloud technology, these digital call centers have the ability to serve customers across different time zones globally. This ensures that customer queries are addressed promptly regardless of where they’re located geographically.

Moreover, offering round-the-clock support also bolsters customer retention by showing clients that their needs matter at all times.

Team members can either work on-site or remotely based on what suits them best with virtual call centers. The flexibility that it offers drastically reduces staff turnover as employees appreciate being able to maintain a good work-life balance while still performing efficiently in their jobs.

Additionally, managers remain closely connected to representatives through virtual call center software which ensures streamlined communication within the team regardless of where individual members may be stationed.

In essence, transitioning to a virtual call center is not just about staying up-to-date with industry trends but further focuses on realizing higher productivity levels and broadening business horizons cost-effectively.

Steps to Start a Virtual Call Center

The process of starting a virtual call center involves selecting your industry, budgeting for the center, creating call workflows, finding clients, investing in software, recruiting and onboarding agents, and maintaining a positive environment.

Read on to learn how to successfully start your own virtual call center.

Selecting Your Industry or Specialty

Exploring different industries and specialties is a vital first step in setting up your virtual call center. There are numerous sectors to consider, ranging from healthcare to technology or finance.

You might opt for an inbound call center that handles customer service and technical support, or a more sales-centric outbound call center. Your choice will influence factors such as the type of clients you attract and the skills required by your team of call center representatives.

Identifying an industry niche not only sets direction but also allows for focused marketing and targeted service provision to customers within this sector.

Budgeting for Your Virtual Call Center

Starting a virtual call center requires careful financial planning. Essential expenditures such as investing in reliable cloud-based phone systems and VoIP capabilities need consideration.

Also, budgeting for effective customer service software integrations like HubSpot or Salesforce is paramount to track sales and support activities. Allocating funds for the recruitment of skilled call center representatives, who can handle both inbound and outbound calls effectively, forms a crucial part of the budget.

Moreover, securing high-speed internet connections, computers or laptops for your remote workforce is necessary to maintain efficiency and productivity. Cutting-edge technology does come at a price but minimizing overhead costs is one of the many advantages that virtual call centers offer compared to traditional ones.

Finally yet importantly, consider ongoing costs like employee salaries and insurance in your budget to ensure sustainability over time.

Creating Your Call Workflow

To ensure smooth and efficient operations in your virtual call center, it is crucial to create a well-defined call workflow. Start by designing a structured process that outlines the flow of customer interactions from start to finish.

This includes identifying key touchpoints such as call routing, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems, and call queueing. Implementing CRM systems like HubSpot or Salesforce can help track customer data and streamline communication.

Additionally, set clear expectations for agents regarding call scripts, quality assurance processes, and escalation procedures. By establishing a comprehensive call workflow, you can enhance customer satisfaction ratings while maximizing agent productivity.

Finding Clients That Need Your Services

Virtual call centers offer a wide range of services, from customer support to sales activities. To ensure the success of your virtual call center, it is essential to find clients who need your services.

Start by identifying industries or specialties that align with your team’s expertise and experience. Conduct market research to understand the demand for call center services in these sectors.

Utilize online platforms, industry forums, and social media networks to connect with potential clients. Showcase your expertise through case studies, testimonials, and customer reviews on your website and other marketing channels to attract clients who are seeking reliable and efficient call center solutions.

To expand your client base further, consider partnering with businesses that complement but do not directly compete with yours. Networking events and industry conferences can also provide opportunities to establish valuable connections within target industries.

Additionally, leverage technology advancements like CRM systems (such as HubSpot or Salesforce) which allow you to track leads and manage client relationships effectively.

Investing in Call Center Software

Investing in call center software is essential for the success of a virtual call center. This software allows representatives to easily handle inbound and outbound calls, improving efficiency and productivity.

With cloud-based phone systems and software programs seamlessly integrated, representatives can stay connected with their managers and peers, enhancing communication and collaboration within the team.

Moreover, supervisors can remotely monitor and manage representatives’ performance using this software, ensuring high-quality customer interactions. According to Gartner, investing in call center software is becoming increasingly important as they predict a significant increase in remote-working agents by 2024.

Recruiting and Onboarding a Team of Call Center Agents

To start a successful virtual call center, it is crucial to recruit and onboard a team of skilled call center agents. Hiring the right individuals who possess excellent communication skills and customer service experience is essential for providing top-notch support to clients.

During the recruitment process, consider using virtual job boards, social media platforms, and professional networks to attract potential candidates. Additionally, conducting thorough interviews and assessments will help identify candidates who are best suited for the role.

Once your team is selected, ensure a smooth onboarding process by providing comprehensive training on call center procedures, customer interactions, and any necessary software or tools.

Maintaining a Positive Call Center Environment

A positive call center environment is essential for the success and retention of call center representatives. By fostering a positive culture, supervisors can motivate their team members and create a supportive atmosphere.

This can lead to improved employee engagement, productivity, and customer satisfaction ratings. Virtual call center softwareenables supervisors to monitor performance remotely and provide real-time feedback, ensuring that agents have the resources they need to excel in their roles.

By focusing on training, skills development, and implementing effective communication channels, such as chat or email support in addition to phone calls, call centers can maintain a positive environment where employees feel valued and empowered.

Key Elements in Setting Up a Virtual Call Center from Home

Setting up a virtual call center from home requires careful consideration of key elements such as home office setup, legal and financial considerations, defining services and policies, recruitment and training, technology setup, developing workflows, and marketing and acquiring clients.

Home Office Setup

Setting up a home office is crucial for running a virtual call center efficiently. Choose a quiet room or area in your house where you can work without distractions. Make sure you have the necessary equipment, such as a computer with a reliable internet connection and a high-quality headset for clear communication.

Implement security measures to protect customer data and comply with service level agreements (SLAs). By creating an organized and well-equipped home office, you can ensure that your virtual call center runs smoothly and provides excellent service to clients and customers.

Legal and Financial Considerations

Starting a virtual call center requires careful consideration of both legal and financial aspects. When it comes to the legal side, you will need to ensure that your business is properly registered and obtain any necessary licenses and permits required in your jurisdiction.

It’s also crucial to implement security measures to protect customer data and comply with privacy regulations. On the financial side, setting up a budget is essential to determine how much you can invest in equipment, software, and salaries for your call center agents.

By carefully addressing these legal and financial considerations upfront, you can establish a solid foundation for your virtual call center business.

Defining Services and Policies

Defining services and policies is crucial for the smooth operation of a virtual call center. Services refer to the specific tasks or activities that call center agents will perform, such as handling inbound calls, making outbound calls for sales purposes, or providing technical support.

By clearly defining these services, businesses can ensure that their agents are trained and equipped to handle customer interactions effectively.

Policies, on the other hand, establish guidelines and rules that govern how these services are delivered. This includes protocols for call handling, escalation procedures, quality assurance processes, and customer data protection measures.

Having well-defined policies in place helps maintain consistency in service delivery and ensures compliance with industry regulations.

For example:

– Over one-third of customer service representatives will be working from home by 2023.

Recruitment and Training

Recruiting and training qualified agents with excellent communication and problem-solving skills are crucial for the success of a virtual call center. When starting a virtual call center, it is important to attract talented individuals who can effectively handle customer interactions and provide top-notch support.

Thoroughly screen candidates to ensure they possess the necessary skills and experience for the job. Once you have assembled your team, comprehensive training programs should be implemented to equip agents with in-depth knowledge about your products or services, as well as effective communication techniques.

Continuous training and mentoring will help improve agent performance and customer satisfaction ratings.

Maintaining a positive call center environment is also essential for employee engagement and retention. Promote teamwork, recognition of achievements, and open lines of communication within your virtual call center.

By creating a supportive culture, you can foster an atmosphere where agents feel valued and motivated to deliver exceptional service. Regular feedback sessions should be conducted to address any issues or concerns that may arise during their work.

Technology Setup

Setting up the technology for your virtual call center is crucial to ensure smooth operations and efficient customer service. Begin by ensuring that each agent has a reliable internet connection and a computer or laptop with adequate processing power.

Invest in a business phone system with VoIP capabilities, as it will allow your agents to make and receive calls over the internet, reducing costs. Additionally, you’ll need virtual call center software that provides essential features like call routing, call recordings, and dashboard analytics to monitor performance metrics.

By leveraging these technologies effectively, you can create an environment where your agents can deliver exceptional customer experiences from anywhere in the world.

Developing Workflows

Developing workflows is a crucial step in setting up a virtual call center. It involves creating and implementing efficient processes to ensure smooth customer interactions and maximize productivity.

By mapping out the steps involved in handling customer calls, emails, or chats, you can streamline operations and improve response times. Developing workflows also allows you to identify bottlenecks or areas for improvement, helping you optimize your call center’s performance.

With the right workflow in place, you can enhance customer satisfaction and maintain high-quality service levels. According to a Gartner report, virtual call center software enables supervisors to remotely monitor representatives’ performance, making it easier for them to track adherence to workflows and make necessary adjustments as needed.

Marketing and Acquiring Clients

Virtual call centers can benefit greatly from effective marketing strategies that help acquire and retain clients. By implementing targeted marketing efforts, virtual call center businesses can attract potential clients who are in need of their services.

Utilizing online marketing techniques such as social media marketing, email campaigns, and content creation can boost the visibility of the virtual call center and engage with potential clients.

Additionally, leveraging customer reviews and testimonials can provide credibility and build trust with prospective clients. By showcasing the cost savings, flexibility, global talent pool, and efficient customer service offered by virtual call centers through strategic marketing initiatives, businesses can successfully acquire new clients to grow their operations.

How to Evaluate, Monitor & Improve Your Virtual Call Center

– Regularly review call recordings to assess the performance and quality of customer interactions.

– Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as average handle time, first-call resolution, and customer satisfaction ratings.

– Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to improve agent skills and knowledge.

– Implement a quality assurance process to ensure consistent service delivery.

– Use dashboard analytics to track real-time call center metrics and identify areas for improvement.

– Establish clear escalation procedures for handling complex customer issues effectively.

– Continuously evaluate and optimize call center procedures based on industry trends and technological advancements.

Prospects of Scaling Your Virtual Call Center Business

Scaling your virtual call center business offers exciting prospects for growth and expansion. By effectively scaling operations, you can accommodate a larger client base, increase revenue streams, and tap into new markets.

With virtual call centers, scalability is easier to achieve compared to traditional brick-and-mortar call centers. One of the main advantages is the ability to quickly add or reduce agents based on demand without worrying about physical space limitations.

Moreover, virtual call centers offer flexibility in terms of working hours and geographic reach. As your business scales, you can extend customer service hours to cater to different time zones and expand your services globally.

This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also positions your brand as accessible and responsive across borders.

Another advantage of scaling a virtual call center is the potential for improved productivity and efficiency. By investing in advanced technology such as cloud-based phone systems with VoIP capabilities and software integrations like CRM systems, you can streamline workflows and automate processes.

This allows agents to handle more calls efficiently while maintaining high-quality service. Additionally, with access to real-time analytics through dashboard tools, you can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) closely and make data-driven decisions that drive continuous improvement.

As your virtual call center business scales up, there may be opportunities for strategic partnerships with other companies in related industries or specialties. Collaborating with these partners can lead to shared resources, increased market visibility, cross-promotion opportunities, and access to a wider talent pool for recruitment purposes.


Starting a virtual call center requires careful planning and execution. By selecting your industry, budgeting effectively, finding clients, investing in the right software, recruiting a team of agents, and maintaining a positive environment, you can create a successful virtual call center from home.

Evaluating and monitoring performance is crucial for improvement, while scaling your business offers the potential for growth. With the right strategies and dedication to customer service excellence, starting a virtual call center can be both rewarding and profitable.


1. What is a virtual call center?

A virtual call center allows agents to work remotely, using cloud telephony systems like VoIP phone system or PBX systems for making and receiving inbound/outbound calls.

2. What are the requirements to start a virtual call center from home?

Besides having a silent room with basic equipment like wired telephone, broadband internet connection, and computer telephony integrations, you need business registration and legal considerations in place.

3. How can I expand my home-based virtual call center?

Business scaling involves developing an effective online presence through Internet marketing strategies including email marketing and blogging. It also includes improving Omni-Channel Communication with your target market.

4. Which tools do I need for running a successful virtual call center?

Key tools include interactive voice response systems (IVR) for self-service alternatives, skills-based routing tool for efficient customer handling and project management software such as HRMS to handle operations effectively.

5. Why is the monitoring of KPIs important in running a Virtual Call Center Business?

Call Center monitoring measures key performance indicators (KPIs) such as call abandonment rates which provides valuable insight into your business’s overall performance evaluations keeping track of areas that require improvement.

6. How do I make sure my work-from-home agents are productive while ensuring their well-being at same time?

With power dialing systems like Aircall or RingCentral , you can keep track of agent productivity while providing salary insurance benefits to maintain employee loyalty towards your brand.

If you are searching for the ideal call center software to fit your business, our interactive guide is here to help. Our team has rigorously tested hundreds of popular solutions in order to provide a comprehensive overview of their features and user experience, as well as current pricing plans – all tailored specifically to helping you select the most suitable provider. From sponsored partners through numerous other options, we have everything covered!

What is Call Center Software? 

It’s easy to think that in today’s digital world, everything can be solved with emails, text messages and webforms. While that might be true some of the time, many customers still prefer an old-fashioned phone call for sorting out more thorny issues.

Talking to another human being gives a sense of immediacy and familiarity that’s perfect for customer support, making call centers agents your front-line agents in the war to build a positive corporate image.

As a direct result of this, however, phone support and phone marketing is time-consuming, expensive and hard to measure an effective return-on-investment for.

Delivering a consistently excellent customer support experience used to mean staffing your centers with massive amounts of staff to ensure no one customer was left hanging; thankfully, our modern digital world has a better solution.

Call Center software helps streamline call management and make it easier for customers to swiftly get the assistance they need while automating repetitive processes in the background.

On-premise systems

With an on-premise system, you have to install the call center software on your own local machines, usually after buying license keys.

On-premise systems give you a greater degree of control over the software, but also added responsibility. You have to figure out how to get it to work with your existing systems, which might be outdated or incompatible, plus updating the call center software to keep it stable.

Another issue to consider is that if you manage multiple call centers, you’ll have to co-ordinate the installation of the software for each of them. Different centers using different versions of the software might lead to errors when trying to pass calls between departments and other issues.

Cloud-based systems

Rather than hosting software on your own machines, your team simply connects over the internet to programs hosted on the servers of the company who developed it. This means that you don’t really have control over what they do with it, and if your internet connection dies, so does your call center.

But on the other hand, it means you don’t have to worry about installing, maintaining or upgrading the software. It’s all covered in your subscription fee. Even better, you can have as many computers as you once all connect to the software’s web portal, meaning that scalability simply isn’t an issue.

You can even use cloud-based software to promote remote working. Your teams can use the software just as well from Majorca or New York as they can from your offices.

Call Center Software Essential Features

Powerful features that are critical to a successful call center solution come standard with most providers; however, it is important to note that some of these capabilities may be classified as add-ons or part of an upgraded plan. Investigate the different tiers and packages available in order to discover which one best suits your business needs!

With ACD, businesses can create effective call routing plans which will help maximize agent availability, prevent them from becoming overwhelmed with requests and increase their chances of providing a first time resolution for each caller’s query.

The two most commonly used call routing strategies are list-based and round-robin routing. List-based is an ideal strategy for when the same agent should be responsible for handling all calls. In contrast, with a round robin system, each agent receives their own turn to handle inbound calls – there’s no resetting back to Agent A after every call has been handled!

Simultaneous Ringing ensures that no call is missed by sending them out to a group of skilled agents at once – so you know that someone will always pick up!

Call Queueing 

Call queueing can be a blessing to customers looking to connect with an available representative quickly and efficiently, by allowing multiple callers to stay on hold until the right agent becomes available. It is equally important that you provide your patrons with accurate wait times or update them regarding their place in line; whether it’s based on need, status or simply sequential placements, these queues will help diminish customer callback numbers.

Call Monitoring 

Call monitoring gives a supervisor the ability to monitor live calls for better training, optimization of agent performance and improved customer service. Additionally, with “call barge” they are able to take over as needed in order to ensure that each situation has been handled properly.

Caller ID

By using Caller ID, agents can quickly identify who is calling and access their contact information before speaking with them. This makes it easier for them to prioritize calls and be prepared to deliver the best possible customer service experience.

Best Call Center Software Ratings

To help you select the best call center software, our team of experts has evaluated each product while taking into consideration criteria such as pricing plans, value for money, ease-of-use, features available and customer service & support. After exhaustive hands-on testing and user reviews analysis we have compiled a list of top rated call center solutions; here are our recommendations:


Five9 boasts an impressive range of features, such as: Skills-based routing for calls prioritized based on time or importance; drag and drop agent script building tools; predictive dialing modes (Power, Preview, Progressive) to connect customers from all over the globe with live agents in their local timezones; a suite of workforce management utilities like shift bidding and cost of schedule analysis that use six forecasting methods.

Five9 Pricing:

Five9’s plans are tailored to your business size and desired features, with basic plans beginning at a reasonable $100.00/month per agent. On the other side of the spectrum is top-tier pricing, which can reach up to an affordable $175.00/month per agent – all for scalability that won’t break your budget!

Talkdesk CX Cloud

Talkdesk CX Cloud Key Features:

Talkdesk CX Cloud offers powerful Quality Management tools, such as agent and team skill scoring/ranking, live agent activity feeds and manager feedback through call transcriptions. It even goes a step further by suggesting which knowledge base articles need improvement for maximum reach!

Talkdesk CX Cloud Pricing:

Talkdesk’s pricing is tailored to the number of agents, desired telephone numbers, and call prices. Though not openly listed before getting a quote, plans with AI are available at just $65.00/month per agent – so you can start benefitting from this powerful technology without breaking your budget!

What to Look for in Call Center Software 


To ensure data privacy and safety of users’ information, the best providers will incorporate two-factor authentication (2FA) with end-to-end encryption along with GDPR, PCI & HIPAA compliance measures like SRTP/TLS/AES encryption as well as third-party security audits conducted at regular intervals.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an invaluable contract that safeguards both the service provider and customer by laying out precisely what services are expected. Typically, the SLA would contain information about: guaranteed uptime; features/functionalities provided to customers; penalties for noncompliance with stipulations in the agreement; security details, billing details, lengths of contracts & any costs not initially agreed upon; as well as other exclusions which may absolve providers from certain liabilities.

A Guaranteed Uptime of Over 99.9%

If any supplier does not guarantee 99% uptime or above, it’s best for you to move on immediately.

Network Reliability

Network redundancy is essential; if one server goes offline, other servers in different geographic locations must be able to take on the burden so that services remain functional.

If you’re solely concerned with outbound calls, for instance, features that only help with inbound ones are of no use to you whatsoever.

To make the best possible choice, then, you have to understand the kind of features that call center software solutions typically offer, and how they map onto the common goals of a calling campaign.

Omnichannel services

It’s quite rare for a company to offer a phone line as the only way for customers to contact them. Instead, there’s usually multiple other communication channels they can use, such as emails, social media, live chats or even physical letters. (Some people still use them!)

You don’t want one experience to be markedly better than the others, and you also don’t want the transition from one channel to another to be stressful for the customer. Imagine a scenario where they talk with an agent on live chat, who then recommends they go into a phone call for a more in-depth discussion – only to never call the customer due to an error in switching channels.

Focus on finding call center software that makes it easier to establish and maintain an omnichannel customer service pipeline. This can comprise multiple smaller features, like incoming calls being logged to a help desk where agents can compose follow-up messages via email, or letting everyone on a team see the context of past interactions with a customer, regardless of where it took place.

An omnichannel approach to customer service is a lot more effort to set up, but it’s worth it. It makes it far easier to deliver consistent customer journeys which lead to improved satisfaction down the line.

Call routing

How routing works often differs wildly between each call center software package, and they’re usually hard to update on the fly. Make a point of reading the documentation for whichever package you’re interested in to make sure there’s no nasty surprises, and consider going so far as to set up a workflow during its trial period to make sure customers get directed to the right agents at the right time.

Pricing model

While most call center software packages work off of a subscription model, meaning you’re charged a flat fee every month, you might also be charged more than you expect for each minute your agents spend on the phone.

This goes to show that it’s always worth reading the fine print. While companies won’t try to hide these charges from you, it’s important to make sure there aren’t any extra prices you’ve missed waiting for you down the line. It could easily be the difference between your choice in software solution returning a positive or negative return on investment.

Call Center Software FAQ

What kinds of companies should use call center software?

Compared to other tools, call center software has relatively little overhead when it comes to installation and setup. This means that it’s usually still a good return on investment to use it when you have only a small number of employees. And, of course, the more employees you have, the more the efficiency of the software will shine.

Even if you only take a few calls a day, the management and organisational features of call center software make it useful for planning calling campaigns and gathering insights for future decision-making. This means that even with a start-up that’s just started trading, using call center software can lead to substantial improvements in efficiency.

Efficiency, as we all know, is the easiest way to boost any company’s profits: time is money.

How long does call center software take to set up?

It depends mostly on whether it’s on-premise or cloud-based.

On-premise software needs to be installed manually on the computer of each agent you want using it. Even with mass-installation tools, this can take a long time, and it’s something you have to repeat when the software needs updating.

With cloud-based systems, there is no installation. The only set-up required is opening accounts for your team members and giving them authorisation to access the app online. Once you do that, all they have to do is open their web browser and head to the right page.

Does call center software have any hardware requirements?

No. There are zero telephony requirements to using call center software, meaning things like telephone cables, extension leads or desk phones just aren’t necessary.

Well… that might be a white lie. You will need hardware in the form of computers, like laptops or tablets, plus a stable internet connection. This is because call center software typically uses VoIP to send calls over the internet, rather than through physical cables.

It’s very rare, however, for a company to not already have access to these resources.

Do agents need training for call center software?

The creators of call center software put a lot of time and effort in making their product easy to use – it’s in their best interest, after all.

As such, most software will require only minimal training, if any at all. The controls are typically well-labelled and the core functions of the app displayed in a logical manner.

The main issue that can arise is learning how to integrate the tool into your team’s existing workflow, or how to adapt that workflow if necessary. These programs do, however, almost always come with extensive documentation and support centers that make the onboarding process much less stressful than you might otherwise assume.

How do you buy call center software?

Most call center software works off the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, which means that you pay a monthly subscription fee to continue using the app.

This is most common with cloud-based software: on-site programs might instead work with one-off payments and license keys.

What is the difference between a call center and a contact center?

Despite many modern cloud based call center software packages providing multi-channel communication such as voice calls, SMS messages or even video calls, they still continue to refer to their products as “call center software” due to the majority of focus being on business telephone systems. Furthermore, these Cloud Call Center Solutions often link with third-party applications that add yet another channel of communication!

That’s the core difference between call centers and contact centers: in addition to handling inbound and outbound phone calls, contact centers also manage customer communications through mediums such as text messages, live chats, social media and email.

Contact centers are part of a broader push from many businesses to move to a more centralised operating model, especially when it comes to customer-facing communication.

Rather than having separate teams to manage separate channels, which can easily lead to inconsistent messaging or branding, having agents that multitask and manage all of your targeted channels leads to much more consistent user stories and customer journeys.

Of course, there are potential downsides to using contact centers over call centers. By branching out and becoming more general, they lose their focus on taking phone calls, which can be an issue if you regularly receive a high volume of them.

Deciding whether to establish a contact center or a call center for your business – or both! – depends heavily on your specific circumstances. What channels do your customers prefer, and what age ranges do they skew towards? Younger generations prefer digital platforms, whereas telephones are increasingly used mostly by older customers.

Though people often use the terms interchangeably, call center software and contact center software have some distinct differences. Contact centers are omnichannel meaning agents can interact with customers through multiple communication platforms like voice calling, website chats, SMS messaging, email or social media channels. On the other hand, Call Center solutions only facilitate conversations over phone calls.

What’s the difference between inbound and outbound call center software?

Call centers run on thin margins and can’t afford to be a jack-of-all-trades. In other words, you need to specialise based on the kind of calls you’re dealing with, and that means your software has to be specialised as well.

The key thing you have to decide is whether or not the center will be inbound-based or outbound-based. Analyse how many minutes are spent dealing with inbound calls versus outbound ones: if the ratio is more than 70:30 in favour of inbound calls, you’ll want specialised, heavy-duty inbound software.

Inbound call center software comes with extensive routing capabilities designed to handle as many incoming call scenarios as possible. This kind of setup is most common among SaaS, B2B and eCommerce companies, as they usually have to deal with more orders and customer queries than outbound requests.

If that 70:30 ratio swings the other way, you’ll unsurprisingly be in the market for outbound call center software.

Companies in the banking, financial and insurance sections typically need this, as they spend more time following up on leads than fielding queries. Indeed, the number of leads available at any one time usually outpaces the number of free agents, meaning your call center software has to be able to call a large number of customers at once.

If you are a gamer, or interested in joining the gaming community, then discord software from VoIP systems will be something worth looking into. Discord software is a proprietary freeware VoIP application specifically designed for those in the gaming community. This type of software specializes in text and audio communications between users in chat channels of video games.

Most gamers and users will use discord technology for its voice chat services, because servers can be easily created with friends, making it easy to organize playtimes for their favorite games. In addition, this platform is very popular for communities to come together and communicate better, opening up servers to the public, allowing the best and largest communities to be made. The best part about this software is that it’s free to use, and there are no slot limitations within the servers

Not a Gamer but Wish to Use Discord? 

This VoIP software has a similar user interface to the most popular messaging applications, yet, discord prides itself on being more advanced and user friendly. Discord is an online community platform, so even if you’re not a gamer or with the gaming community, discord is still available for use.

Discord can utilize voice, video, and text communications, making it a leader for the business environment. This VoIP software offers users with more features like diverse integrations and services, a friendly user interface, and plenty of free servers, which have made this software dominate all other forms of communication for individuals, gamers, and even companies.

The Costs of Discord Software

Depending on the services your company is looking for, this type of software is incredibly cheap no matter the use. For example, a large company could use discord software for its main communication platform for only $99, lasting 12 months. Some companies can even bring this price down more and opt for the classic membership. The only thing that the classic membership lacks over the more expensive one, would be the serve boosting feature, which can let you give special perks to a server. This will come in handy if you are a streamer, developer or community leader, where interacting with your followers is crucial. By choosing this membership, fees will only be $49.99 for the whole year, which is exactly half of what the premium membership charges.

Discord Software for Businesses

Just as previously stated, discord is a communication platform that will allow all users to create private servers. Within these servers, users can create text-based channels to share all communications and will allow others to join. This software directly facilitates messaging from text, video, and audio.

There are a few benefits that this type of software can bring to businesses, and we will list a few. 

  1. Text-based and VoIP Channels- VoIP channels and texting are kept separate within the discord server. With that being said, these channels are separate but can be used concurrently. Users can chat in both types of services simultaneously, which enables multiple conversations or content sharing. There is no limitation on the amount of content or size of files that can be shared. An added benefit within these servers is that there are push-to-talk features that can allow for voice messages to be transmitted from one chat to another. These features can be powerful within a company and allows for advanced communication methods.
  2. Discord Server Size- This form of software has gained popularity as an alternative to the traditional online forums, because this software can host a multitude of servers. These servers can be populated with unlimited users as long as they are given proper access. If needed, this type of server can host an entire company. Technically, it’s worth noting that discord does in fact post a limit of users per server, but the number is outrageously high.
  3. Permissions- The thought of entering a voice chat with hundreds of users might scare some, but due to Discords extensive permission controls, these fears can be forgotten. The owner of each server has the ability to mute any members they like within text and audio channels, either permanently or for a short amount of time. This feature can allow conference call leaders to mute those that aren’t talking, which will enable smooth meetings with dozens of other people. If you are the one to be speaking, Discord technology will allow an individual’s audio to be louder than the rest, which might be useful in a business meeting where supervisors need to lead the call.
  4. IP and DDoS Protection- Security will always be a worry for businesses when systems are utilized through online channels. Discord’s client-server architecture can ensure that IP information will remain secure, and can protect all users from hackers and security threats. This application also features an IP location lock that can notify users when someone is attempting to login from an unknown device.

The Drawbacks of Discord Technology for Businesses

All of the features listed, and even those that weren’t, make Discord an enticing option for businesses. However, this software does not exist in a bubble. Even keeping in mind all the benefits that Discord could offer businesses, it’s important to remember the real reason this software was created. Simply put, it’s a tool for gamers. 

Most businesses are looking for a communication tool that can be used both internally and externally for clients, shareholders, employees and potential leads. Most managers wouldn’t dream of using this type of software for communications with shareholders, because it’s considered a gaming platform. All in all, this type of software isn’t the most professional for businesses. Of course, companies can adopt Discord for internal uses, but will then need to install different software for external uses.

Overall, the gaming communities are hitting the jackpot with this all-inclusive software, and businesses would be wise to at least keep an eye on Discord. With its many benefits, fast voice and text communications and rising popularity, the future is bright with Discord technology. 

For many years businesses have begun to accept the fact that VoIP, which stands for voice over internet protocol, phone systems are much better alternatives than the average landline. Now, most homes are looking to make the switch to these types of phone systems as well, due to their countless benefits. By having your home make this change, you will experience lasting value for your place of residence.

The main benefit of using VoIP phone systems in your home is the fact that they utilize your internet connection and cloud systems to connect callers. Because of this, families can save plenty of money and activate broader calling capabilities in comparison to the basic landlines. VoIP phone systems offer renewed and more sophisticated features, which makes this type of phone system most ideal for households.


Why Are VoIP Phone Systems on the Rise?

Within the last five years, VoIP phone system usage has doubled due to many businesses and homes switching to this type of modernized technology. Overall, the VoIP phone system market is booming, making it the most desired solution for homes in the coming years.

VoIP will pair easily with all types of mobile devices that your family already has as well, and unlike landline contracts, households will not be locked into a pricy agreement with a single provider. When making the switch, there are countless VoIP companies to choose from. By doing the proper research, you can choose the features that are most attractive to you and your household, while also opting for the lowest priced service provider. Throughout this article, tips and insights will be provided for those who are looking into moving forward in making the switch to a VoIP phone system.

Gaining Insight on How Residential VoIP Phone Systems Work

Even for those with the most basic knowledge of VoIP phone systems, you will realize that these phone services work very differently than landline services. Landlines utilize older network systems and must rely on wires and infrastructure in order to connect users, leaving plenty of room for errors.

As stated previously, VoIP phone systems use the internet to transmit communications between users, internationally and domestically. By providing encoded digital transition signals, audio, and even video can be spread across most providers. Users can make calls on public networks, acting as a traditional phone call on a mobile phone, making it hard to pinpoint the differences. An added bonus to VoIP phone systems is that it can also support internet connectivity and video controls while saving you on costly new software.

To make the decision even easier, VoIP phone systems are just a direct extension of your high-speed internet providers. You can obtain VoIP’s advanced communication capabilities without having to install new and expensive hardware. The bottom line is that homes that switch to this type of system will save more in the long run. You will be receiving an updated communication channel, superior features, greater customer service, and optimal customization at an affordable cost. VoIP phone systems do more than just replace your average landline, they transform the way you connect with others personally, and professionally.

The Best Features to Look for When Switching to a Residential VoIP Phone System

Most VoIP phone systems include countless features, flexible plans, and multiple price ranges making it feasible to satisfy every home’s needs. There are plenty of basic features these systems offer, but we will get into some exciting bonuses you can invest in when purchasing this exceptional home phone system. Of course, some of these features will vary between providers, but reaching out to these providers directly can give you a better understanding of what they offer your household from their phone systems.

  1. Portable Number Services: If you are worried about losing the phone numbers of those you already have stored, there is no need to fear. Most of the VoIP systems allow you to transfer over existing numbers, which claims useful if you have a strong network of contacts. Your phone number and phone book will remain untouched, only improved.
  2. Area Code Selection: If you do wish to have your home number changed, you will have the opportunity to select the area code you wish to claim. This can be extremely helpful if you commute for a job and would like to have the same area code your office number has. Or, if you have family members that are close by but possess a different area code, selecting a new code that is similar to theirs is entirely possible and easy to do.
  3. Online Control Panels: As explained before, VoIP systems work through the internet, making it easy to manage accounts online. You will not need to call your service providers to update your phone controls, by simply logging into your online account, you can make these changes in the blink of an eye. Some online controls that you can adjust are voicemail options, transcriptions, call records, and any phone numbers you have saved.
  4. Free International Calls: Many users are in agreement that this feature is one of the best VoIP phone systems offer. This is beneficial if your household makes many international calls. Most of the time, making an international call from a landline is costly, but due to VoIP phone systems working through the internet, high-speed WIFI can make these calls possible, and absolutely free.


Finding the Best Residential VoIP Provider for Your Household

As you’ve seen, there are countless features that many service providers offer, and selecting the right one is imperative. Yes, these features are very attractive for many users, but features alone should not be the deciding factor on which provider to choose. By doing research, creating a comprehensive checklist, looking at customer service reviews, and inquiring more about each company, will leave you with many options to choose from. Finding a provider that offers the features you want, that has outstanding customer service, with the correct bandwidth requirements for the perfect cost, will be exactly what you should look for.

Are You Ready to Make the Switch?

Once you have selected the provider, you will need to talk about the setup for your new VoIP phone system. Most providers will offer setup and installation free of charge, making the transition period seamless and stress-free. When it comes to VoIP phone systems, you want a reliable cloud-based system that gives you all your family is looking for.  Don’t waste any more time dealing with your outdated landline, switch to a modernized VoIP system today!

Choosing the right Business VoIP provider can be a daunting task, especially with the growing number of providers in today’s market. Did you know that Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), which incorporates VoIP, is increasingly becoming essential for modern businesses? This blog post aims to navigate through various service providers and help you select the one that best meets your business needs.

Whether you’re transitioning from an analog system or looking for more efficient solutions, there’s absolutely something here for you! Let’s take this digital journey together.

Understanding Business VoIP Systems

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, revolutionizes business communication by converting voice signals into digital data packets and transmitting them through the internet. Crucially, business VoIP systems offer advanced features like call routing, virtual extensions, conference calls, and integrated apps that elevate efficiency and productivity in modern businesses.

By understanding how Business VoIP works – from the role it plays in today’s dynamic work environment to its valuable benefits – businesses can streamline operations while maximizing value for money.

The Role of VoIP in Modern Businesses

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become an indispensable tool for modern businesses. It eradicates the need for traditional phone lines, replacing them instead with digital equivalents and converting voice signals into data packets to be delivered via the internet.

As operating costs continue to rise, VoIP presents an economical alternative that blends communication efficiency with cost-effectiveness. The flexibility offered by VoIP allows small businesses and large corporations alike to streamline their operations.

Its most notable merit is uniting various communication channels onto a unified platform, such as voice calls, video conferencing, instant messaging – all integrated within one system.

How Does Business VoIP Work?

Business VoIP, short for Voice over Internet Protocol, operates by converting analog voice signals into digital data packets. These packets are then transported via a broadband internet connection to the intended recipient where they get converted back into voice signals.

Unlike traditional phone systems that demand dedicated lines for each call, VoIP uses your existing internet connection making it more cost-efficient and versatile. It’s an ideal solution for unifying multiple communication channels like calls, video conferencing, instant messaging under one service platform.

An additional advantage of VoIP is its easy integration with other business software creating a supportive environment for enhanced collaboration and productivity within businesses.

Key Considerations in Choosing a Business VoIP Provider

When selecting a Business VoIP Provider, carefully consider factors such as compatibility with existing hardware and software. Assess cost-efficiency and ensure worthiness of investment.

Prioritize reliable service with solid security measures for data protection. Look out for scalability to accommodate future business growth or downsizing seamlessly. Finally, check if the provider offers integrated apps for added efficiency in your communication processes.

Compatibility with Existing Hardware and Software

Opting for a VoIP provider that is compatible with your existing hardware and software isn’t just a smart move; it’s a necessity. Imagine seamless integration with current equipment such as IP desk phones, tablets, or mobile devices.

Even better, envisions incorporating productivity tools like account management software, databases, and CRM systems. This compatibility minimizes costs by repurposing existing infrastructure and ensures no disruption in workflows during the transition to your new VoIP system.

However, compatibility extends beyond physical hardware – vast business applications can also be utilized alongside some providers’ offerings for industry-specific solutions. For instance, healthcare businesses benefit from particular features tailored just for them! It’s all about choosing the right fit to leverage technology you already have while maximizing communication capabilities brought by high-quality VoIP services.

Value for Money

Investing in a business VoIP system can give you substantial savings without sacrificing quality. Traditional analog phone systems come with costs for maintenance and upgrades, which are often unpredictable and can dent your budget.

On the contrary, VoIP providers like Ooma Office offer modestly priced packages inclusive of features such as video conferencing, SMS messaging, and contact syncing. You pay on a subscription basis typically based on user extensions or call volumes; hence pricing is transparent and manageable.

This makes it ideal for small businesses operating within tight financial constraints but require advanced voice capabilities for their operations. The switch to a cloud-based VoIP solution could be just what your budget needs to breathe easier while achieving better call quality metrics for your business communication service.

Service Reliability and Security

Understanding the importance of service reliability and security is crucial for businesses selecting a VoIP provider. Reliable services ensure there are no dropped calls or connection issues, leading to smooth running operations and satisfied customers.

Providers that offer robust security measures protect your data from potential threats or cyber attacks.

An excellent Business VoIP service emphasizes both these aspects – constantly improving uptime statistics while maintaining comprehensive security protocols. From modern encryption methods to sophisticated intrusion detection systems, providers prioritize protecting business communications against potential risks.

Be sure to inspect privacy policies and terms before signing on with any provider closely!


Rapid company growth should not trigger a full system reboot. Therefore, it’s very essential for businesses to consider the scalability of their VoIP systems. The ideal provider will offer solutions that can expand alongside your business without requiring massive overhauls or excessive additional costs.

By opting for flexible plans and providers with robust scalable options, companies can smoothly add or reduce lines depending upon seasonal demands or increasing staff numbers. In selecting such scalable business VoIP services, corporations ensure convenience and cost-effectiveness in their communication network adaptations as they evolve over time.

Integrated Apps

Integrated apps amplify the capabilities of a Business VoIP system. They expand functionalities into realms like SMS support, video calling, and instant messaging. Intermedia Unite exemplifies this integration with other business software for added convenience.

RingCentral MVP is noteworthy as well, offering advanced features such as AI-backed transcription and call analysis via integrated apps. Also worth mentioning is the 8×8 Experience Communications Service that keeps users up-to-date with frequent feature updates and provides an Improved Frontdesk solution geared toward efficiency enhancement.

Dialpad also deserves a nod, tapping into artificial intelligence to bolster automatic call transcription in real-time for improved user experiences.

Top 5 Business VoIP Providers for 2023

Exploring the top 5 Business VoIP Providers for 2023 brings to light the best solutions in the communication industry today.

  1. Intermedia Unite: Lauded for its unified communications approach, Intermedia Unite integrates phone services with business applications. This provider offers unique features like an AI-backed virtual receptionist, making it a top choice in this industry.
  2. RingCentral MVP: Known for its reliability and range of calling features, RingCentral MVP takes business communication to another level. Its compatibility with Microsoft 365, call analytics capabilities and efficient customer support make it an attractive choice for businesses.
  3. 8×8 Experience Communications as a Service: Impactful and innovative, 8×8 thrives on providing top-tier communication services built on cloud-based calling systems. Added elements such as AI-powered call transcription take this provider’s offerings from good to great.
  4. Vonage Business Communications: Combining solid call quality with comprehensive CRM integrations makes Vonage Business Communications a standout candidate among VoIP providers. Its inbuilt features also cater to small businesses in need of robust communication solutions.
  5. Dialpad: Rounding up the list is Dialpad, which infuses artificial intelligence into its call analytics and reporting feature. The platform’s operational efficiency stems from a collaborative environment that supports video conferencing, document sharing and other team messaging necessities.

Comprehensive Review: Nextiva

Nextiva, a leading player in the VoIP industry, reigns supreme with its array of innovative and robust features. The provider stands out from the crowd with its cutting-edge voice over IP technology that integrates seamlessly into business processes to enhance productivity.

In discussing Nextiva’s pros, we can’t understate the exceptional call quality or extensive CRM integration capabilities it provides users. However, no service is without drawbacks — some may find Nextiva’s pricing models less transparent than those of other providers but considering its value-rich offerings it’s certainly worth the investment for any serious-minded business operation.

Features & Description (Nextiva)

Nextiva is a robust player in the Business VoIP field, bringing an array of compelling features to bolster efficient communication. It has carved out a reputation for its comprehensive call analytics and reporting capabilities that allow businesses to track and enhance their phone interactions.

Nextiva’s modern softphone app design complements its attractive analytics, providing users with seamless integration.

Notable features include call recording, voicemail-to-email service, conference calling, advanced call routing as well as interactive voice response (IVR). This feature-rich VoIP provider offers more than just voice calls; it facilitates dynamic team collaboration through document sharing and smooth video conferencing too.

The versatility extends further since Nextiva integrates readily with popular CRM software such as Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics—stretching the boundaries of unified communications innovation.

Apart from the technical prowess demonstrated by these offerings, Nextiva positions itself attractively across various business sizes due to its flexible pricing plans tailored for diverse needs.

Pros & Cons (Nextiva)

Nextiva provides a robust VoIP solution for businesses with its comprehensive features and functionality. However, like any other service, it has its strengths and weaknesses. Below is a summary table outlining the pros and cons of Nextiva’s VoIP services:

Pros Cons
Nextiva offers comprehensive call analytics and reporting, allowing businesses to track and analyze their communication data. Nextiva’s pricing may not be the most affordable for smaller businesses or startups with a tight budget.
The softphone apps and attractive analytics make Nextiva suitable for distributed and remote workforces. Some users have reported that Nextiva’s user interface could be more user-friendly and intuitive.
Nextiva’s unified communications, video conferencing, and collaboration capabilities boost productivity and efficiency. There may be occasional issues with voice quality, although these are rare and generally resolved quickly by Nextiva’s support team.
Nextiva provides various plans and pricing options to suit different business needs and budgets. There may be a learning curve for new users, especially those who are unfamiliar with VoIP and unified communications platforms.
Nextiva’s customer support and call center capabilities are beneficial for businesses with high call volumes. Depending on your internet connection, there may be occasional downtime or service interruptions.
Nextiva integrates with other business software, facilitating seamless communication and workflow management. While Nextiva offers many features, some businesses may find they don’t need all of them and are paying for more than they use.
Nextiva’s call monitoring features and customizable reports provide valuable insights for administrators. Some customers have reported difficulties with the contract termination process.

Comprehensive Review: RingCentral

Renowned for its advanced features and robust functionality, RingCentral stands as a top choice in the Business VoIP market. An exploration of the platform reveals an impressive range of services such as voice, video, text messaging, and even digital fax capabilities—all designed to boost business communication efficiency.

As we delve into RingCentral’s pros and cons, you’ll gain insights on why it may be suited—or not—to your specific business needs.

Features & Description (RingCentral)

RingCentral MVP stands out among business VoIP providers, tackling enterprise-class call volumes with ease. This service offers a broad range of advanced features including video calling, SMS support, and instant messaging all tied neatly together in an intuitive interface.

The platform’s robust integration capabilities ensure cohesion amongst other essential business software bolstering functionality across the board. One striking feature is its Artificial Intelligence-backed transcription which provides valuable insights through detailed call analyses for monitoring trends or improving customer interactions.

With numerous configuration options at your fingertips such as custom automated responses or ring groups it presents a competitive pricing model that includes generous discounts on extended subscription periods.

Pros & Cons (RingCentral)

RingCentral is a top-tier provider in the realm of VoIP services, particularly adept at handling enterprise-level call loads and providing value-additions with its AI-driven features. However, like any service, it comes with its own sets of advantages and disadvantages. The following table presents a comprehensive overview of the pros and cons of using RingCentral as your business VoIP provider:

Pros Cons
Known for its ability to manage large call volumes efficiently making it ideal for enterprises. Prices may be higher compared to other VoIP service providers.
Provides AI-backed transcription and call analysis features. Some users report occasional lag issues which can disrupt call quality.
Offers discounts and promotional offers regularly, assisting in cost-saving. Some service packages may lack certain features unless upgraded to a more expensive plan.
Features excellent integration with other business software, enhancing productivity and collaboration. Customer service could be improved, as per some user reviews.

Remember, RingCentral is just one of many VoIP providers available on the market. The most suitable option depends on your business’s unique requirements and preferences.

Comprehensive Review: Zoom

In this section, we delve into an exhaustive review of Zoom as a Business VoIP provider, exploring its unique features, detailed description of services and finally weighing its pros against cons to help businesses make an informed decision.

Features & Description (Zoom)

Zoom Phone, a VoIP service by the renowned Zoom platform, offers high-quality voice calls over the internet. It’s loaded with features that cater to businesses of all sizes such as call routing and call forwarding.

Users also benefit from conference bridges that enable multiple callers to connect simultaneously. The recording feature is excellent for those desiring playback options or record keeping of essential business conversations.

Virtual extensions provide expanded reach within your business communication setup. There’s seamless integration with Zoom Video Conferencing which makes it ideal for enterprises leveraging visual connection methods more frequently in today’s remote work culture.

Finally, Zoom Phone sets itself apart by offering advanced tools like time-based caller ID routing – meaning your phone system responds dynamically based on when someone phones! Regardless of a company’s size or budget, flexible pricing plans make this top-notch functionality accessible to everyone.

Pros & Cons (Zoom)

Zoom is a well-regarded VoIP provider, offering a broad range of services. However, like any service, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros Cons
Zoom provides a comprehensive communications platform that includes video calling and instant messaging. Zoom has limitations in its call monitoring features, which may be a downside for businesses requiring thorough oversight.
It’s scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. Customization options for reports are limited, which may not be ideal for businesses with specific reporting needs.
Zoom offers free phones or related devices with each subscribed seat, providing good value for businesses.
The inclusion of AI-backed transcription and call analysis features are impressive, especially for businesses dealing with large call volumes.
Zoom’s Frontdesk feature enhances productivity and efficiency by reimagining the traditional receptionist’s desk.
With regular updates, Zoom ensures businesses have access to the latest communication tools.

Comprehensive Review: Vonage

Diving into Vonage, we explore its cloud-based VoIP services offering businesses a powerful means to manage communication needs with features such as call forwarding, conference bridging, and virtual extensions.

Features & Description (Vonage)

Vonage is a leading business VoIP provider known for its top-tier features and outstanding reliability. Setting the standard with an impressive 99.99% uptime guarantee, this interconnectivity powerhouse ensures seamless communication for over 100,000 businesses globally.

One of Vonage’s appealing attributes is its adept AI-based Virtual Receptionist which effectively manages inbound calls.

The company excels in providing comprehensive cloud-based services that include call routing, call forwarding, conference bridges, and call recording functions – essential tools for modern businesses’ daily operations.

It also offers flexible mobility options through its mobile and desktop apps designed to facilitate easy making and receiving of calls from anywhere at any time.

Pros & Cons (Vonage)

Exploring the merits and drawbacks of Vonage can help businesses make a more informed decision. Here are key points of consideration:

Pros Cons
Vonage serves over 100,000 businesses worldwide, indicating a strong level of reliability and trust. Some users have reported challenges with customer service responsiveness.
Vonage boasts a 99.99 percent uptime reliability, ensuring business operations are not interrupted by technical glitches. Some advanced features may only be available in higher-priced plans.
Features such as AI-based Virtual Receptionist and solid mobile and desktop apps help streamline business communication. There could be potential compatibility issues with existing hardware or software.
Vonage offers scalable communication solutions that can grow with businesses of any size. There could be extra charges for add-on features or services.
Free phones or related devices come with each subscribed seat, providing an upfront saving for businesses. International call rates may vary.
Seamless collaboration and workflow management are possible through integration with third-party software. Setup and installation may require technical expertise.
Vonage has competitive pricing plans, with discounts of up to 30% available, making it more affordable for businesses. The cost may still be prohibitive for small businesses or startups.
Vonage offers plans starting at $13.99/line/month, providing a cost-effective solution for businesses. There may be cancellation fees if the service is not suitable.

Comprehensive Review: GoTo Connect

In this section, we dive deep into GoTo Connect, discussing its features and functionalities like virtual extensions and call tagging. We’ll also be covering the strengths and shortcomings of this VoIP provider that could potentially influence businesses in their decision-making process for a VoIP service.

Features & Description (GoTo Connect)

GoTo Connect brings a multitude of features to the table. It offers voice, video, chat, and collaboration capabilities in one platform for seamless communication within businesses.

What sets GoTo Connect apart is its AI-backed transcription and call analysis features that are tailored to manage enterprise-level call volumes efficiently.

This provider does more than just connect calls; it also supports SMBs (Small-to-Midsize Businesses) with third-party integrations. You can link your CRM system or other business software directly into their interface for quicker access during calls.

Additionally, they give out free phones or devices with each subscribed seat as part of its service package! For enterprises aiming for scalability and advanced features without compromising on cost-effectiveness, GoToConnect represents an attractive option.

Pros & Cons (GoTo Connect)

GoTo Connect has a unique array of strengths and a few notable limitations. Let’s examine them in depth to understand this VoIP provider better.

Pros Cons
GoTo Connect integrates with third-party software, enhancing workflow efficiency. Although it’s a comprehensive service, GoTo Connect might be a bit complex for businesses looking for simple solutions.
It provides free phones or related devices with each subscribed seat, making it a cost-effective solution. Despite the wide range of features, some users have reported difficulties with the initial setup and navigation of the platform.
The service incorporates video calling, SMS support, instant messaging, and business software integration, offering a unified communication solution. GoTo Connect’s customer service has received mixed reviews, and it’s an area where they could potentially improve.
It’s suitable for small to midsize businesses as well as enterprises, showing its scalability and adaptability to different business needs. While most of its features are impressive, the video conferencing feature is reportedly less polished compared to competitors.
It utilizes AI-backed transcription and call analysis tools, making it suitable for handling enterprise-level call volumes. Some users have reported occasional glitches with the service, impacting the overall reliability.

Special Mention: Additional Providers Worth Considering

In this section, we explore other viable options for Business VoIP providers, casting a spotlight on Ooma as an ideal choice for remote workers, 8×8 offering the best rates in budget buying, Intermedia embellishing integrated services and Dialpad leading with potent analytics and robust reporting.

Not forgetting Microsoft Teams Phone’s appeal to existing Microsoft 365 customers.

Ooma: Best for Remote Workers

As businesses pivot to remote work setups, the search for tech solutions catering to this new norm has amplified. Unraveling itself as a strong contender in this terrain, Ooma stands tall.

Recognized for superior VoIP services tailored for remote workers, it builds momentum on flexibility and mobility.

Ooma Office extends facets such as video conferencing and SMS messaging that beef up communication capabilities beyond traditional voice calls. It’s features of contact syncing streamline collaborations among remote teams by keeping everyone connected from disparate locations globally.

The user-friendly interface adds charm to its offerings, making navigation effortless even within small IT departments with limited resources. In essence, if you’re steering your company towards an increasingly decentralized workforce environment, Ooma emerges as a prime choice.

8×8: Best Budget Buy

8×8 stands out as the best budget buy for VoIP services. This cost-effective solution offers a unified messaging experience tailored to benefit small and midsize businesses. Features get regular updates, ensuring users have access to modern communication tools that evolve with their needs.

One significant innovation is Frontdesk, which reinvents the traditional receptionist desk into a powerhouse of efficiency and connectivity — all without breaking your budget.

Intermedia: Best for Integrated Services

Intermedia Unite dominates the market when it comes to integrated services. This trusted provider offers a robust and versatile platform that seamlessly integrates with popular third-party software solutions.

The strength of Intermedia lies in its ability to provide businesses not just a tool, but an entire ecosystem for their communication needs—a unified communications solution that harmonizes various channels into one system.

With each subscribed seat, subscribers are granted free phones or related devices as part of the package from this top-rated VoIP provider.

Dialpad: Best for Analytics and Reporting

Dialpad takes the crown for its robust analytics and reporting capabilities, setting a high bar in the VoIP industry. A key differentiator is its utilization of machine learning and artificial intelligence; these advanced features transcend standard expectations of call transcription services.

Offering more than just softphone functionality, Dialpad revolutionizes data interpretation by providing real-time insights into call performance and customer interactions. This breakthrough technology allows businesses to interpret call data effortlessly, streamlining strategic decision-making processes seamlessly.

Superior reporting tools paired with intuitive dashboards offer an unparalleled overview of business communications on Dialpad’s platform.

Microsoft Teams Phone: Best for Microsoft 365 Customers

Microsoft Teams Phone emerges as the top pick for businesses heavily relying on Microsoft 365. Effortless integration with various Microsoft 365 applications amplifies productivity and communication within the team.

This VoIP solution brings convenience to voice calls, making it a versatile platform for business operations.

One notable feature of Microsoft Teams Phone is its ability to provide essential data through call quality metrics. Users gain insights into how well their communications are performing, allowing improvements where needed.

If your company operates predominantly in the Microsoft environment, going with Microsoft Teams Phone may be a smart decision worth considering!

Essential Features of Business VoIP Services

Business VoIP services come loaded with a range of features designed to enhance and streamline business communications. Call routing allows for efficient directing of incoming calls to the appropriate personnel or departments, reducing wait times and improving customer service.

With an interactive voice response (IVR) system, businesses can automate the answering process and provide instant assistance to callers through predefined responses. Meanwhile, call monitoring and recording functions ensure high-quality communication standards are maintained while enabling managers to review phone conversations for training purposes.

Additionally, reporting capabilities allow businesses to analyze call volumes, duration, patterns, and much more – essential insights that drive continuous improvement in customer engagement strategies.

Call Routing

Call routing is not just a desirable feature in VoIP services – it’s key to efficient business communication. It intelligently directs calls to the right person or department, saving time and enhancing customer service.

Business VoIP providers weave call routing seamlessly with additional features such as call forwarding and voicemail for maximum productivity. Notch it up higher, advanced options like time-based and geographical routing come into play, allowing businesses to adapt dynamically according to their operational hours or the caller’s location.

While all these take place in the background, on your end of line you simply continue enjoying uninterrupted high-quality calls courtesy of persistent routing capabilities from your trusted VoIP provider.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Interactive Voice Response, often referred to as IVR, plays a significant role in modern business VoIP systems. It’s an automated telephony system that interacts with callers and gathers information by giving them options.

Using either voice commands or keypad inputs, the caller can swiftly navigate through these options. This means less time spent on hold and quicker routing to the most suitable department or person—leading to higher customer satisfaction rates.

Moreover, IVR systems come customized for various needs which include tailored greetings and menu selections. Businesses leverage this tool not only for its operational efficiency but also because it reduces the necessity of human intervention for routine tasks.

Another hidden advantage of IVR is its capability to generate real-time data about caller behavior providing businesses valuable insights for making informed decisions about their customer service strategies.

Call Monitoring and Recording

Call monitoring and recording are essential features of Business VoIP services. Call monitoring provides businesses the tool to oversee live calls for protocols such as quality assurance, workforce training, and compliance adherence.

It ensures delivery of exemplary customer service by enabling real-time feedback on call handling.

Meanwhile, call recording comes in handy when visual records are required for future reference or dispute resolution purposes. By documenting interactions between customers and employees, it amplifies the scope for training while conforming to legal stipulations.

Several providers like RingCentral MVP and Dialpad utilize AI technology to enrich call transcription abilities improving accuracy over time. With tools like Microsoft Teams Phone offering detailed quality metrics alongside Nextiva’s comprehensive analytics and reporting system, measuring communication efficiency becomes a task less daunting.


Business VoIP services offer robust reporting features that can enhance business operations. Nextiva excels in this area, with comprehensive call analytics and reporting capabilities, making it a standout option for organizations with distributed or remote workforces.

Information amassed includes call durations, hold times, wait times, and peak hours of operation. Such data helps to identify inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement. Plus, AI-backed transcription and call analysis from RingCentral MVP allow for accurate reflection on interactions between customers and your team members throughout the day.

This wealth of information is vital in informing strategic decisions towards optimized customer experience.

The Advantages of Business VoIP Solutions

Explore the significant benefits provided by Business VoIP solutions, such as facilitating unified conversations across platforms, providing flexibility and mobility for users, reducing operational costs while increasing call efficiencies, and equipping companies with advanced voice capability features.

Unified Conversations

Unified conversations are an essential feature of leading Business VoIP providers. These fully integrated communication systems wrap multiple communication channels, including phone calls, video conferencing, instant messaging and file synchronization into a seamless single interface.

Providers like 8×8 Experience Communications as a Service provide this synchronous solution for businesses small and large. This approach streamlines collaboration within teams regardless of location or device they are using.

Another provider called Dialpad focuses on enhancing the user experience through automatic call transcription capabilities that make your unified communications more accessible and easy to manage.

For businesses already utilizing Microsoft software, Microsoft Teams Phone offers deep integration features with established tools along with detailed call quality metrics ensuring the smooth run of unified conversations in the workspace.

Flexibility and Mobility

Switching to Business VoIP solutions brings increased flexibility and mobility into the business. With traditional phone systems, businesses are tied down to their landlines. But, with VoIP solutions, making or receiving calls is possible anywhere with a stable internet connection.

This gives teams the ability to work on-the-go, from remote locations, or even at home without missing any important communication.

Additionally, the flexibility of VoIP extends beyond merely picking up calls. Using cordless phones, Wi-Fi phones, DECT phones or smartphones connected to the internet expands how we communicate through voice technology.

Furthermore, changes in an organization such as adding new phone numbers and agents can be accommodated easily by a VoIP system. It doesn’t only level up agility but also ensures consistent voice quality no matter where users may be located.

Reduced Operational and Calling Costs

Switching to a VoIP phone system can significantly cut operational and calling costs for businesses. Traditional analog call plans often come with hefty fees, while a VoIP service provides unlimited internet calling at a fraction of the price.

Business owners find great value in these cost savings, especially when they extend beyond just local calls to include long-distance and international connections. The VoIP technology also eliminates the need for separate data networks, streamlining operations further by reducing both maintenance efforts and hardware expenses.

Notably, this allows companies to direct saved resources towards growth initiatives instead of operating costs.

Advanced Voice Capabilities

VoIP services revolutionize the way businesses communicate through advanced voice capabilities. They incorporate video calling, SMS support, instant messaging, and seamless integration with other crucial business software.

Providers like RingCentral MVP excel at managing enterprise-grade call volumes and even offer artificial intelligence-backed transcription features for optimizing communications. Dialpad takes things further by leveraging machine learning to enhance automatic call transcriptions.

Microsoft Teams Phone also gets a special mention for its deep integration with Microsoft 365 Suite and detailed call quality metrics. With such capabilities in hand, it’s evident that VoIP systems bring about superior control over all forms of communication within organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions about Business VoIP Services

Delve into the most common queries regarding Business VoIP Services, from security concerns to phone compatibility and potential downsides. Find out all you need to know by reading on!

Can a VoIP phone be hacked?

VoIP phones, like other digital devices connected to the internet, can fall victim to hacking. Various vulnerabilities in VoIP systems might be exploited by cybercriminals for unauthorized access.

They could eavesdrop on your calls, hijack data packets and even make unauthorized calls from your account. Cyber assailants employ several tactics such as spoofing caller IDs, launching denial of service attacks or infiltrating the administrative interface of your VoIP system.

Securing a VoIP phone goes beyond just setting up strong passwords. Regular firmware and software updates are crucial to fix any known security gaps that hackers may exploit. Encryption and authentication protocols provide additional layers of protection against potential intrusions ensuring all communications remain confidential and tamper-proof.

Other methods like deploying firewalls or intrusion detection systems add further barriers against malicious attacks aiming at compromising VoIP systems.

Can you keep your phone number if you switch to VoIP?

Switching to VoIP doesn’t mean you have to change your phone number. Quite the opposite, through a process known as number porting, most VoIP providers allow businesses to retain their existing numbers.

As this is reliant on both the VoIP service and your original telecommunications provider agreeing with each other, there may be some preparatory work involved such as supplying necessary documentation.

It might also take several weeks for the process to fully complete as it usually goes through various carrier validation stages. It’s important to know that while many providers offer this service free of charge, others might incur small fees depending upon policies held by individual companies.

Does VoIP require a special phone?

VoIP technology doesn’t strictly require a special phone to function. It can be used with various devices including cordless phones, Wi-Fi phones, DECT phones and even smartphones connected to the internet.

Furthermore, you can also use your existing analog desk phone with VoIP by connecting it via a VoIP adapter that plugs into your router or modem. However, keep in mind that without an active internet connection, VoIP phones will not operate.

What are the disadvantages of having a VoIP service for business?

Despite the numerous benefits of VoIP services, there exist some drawbacks that businesses should consider. Call quality can be vulnerable to internet connection stability. Without a strong and steady online presence, calls may experience glitches or drop entirely as VoIP depends heavily on the internet for functionality.

Also, security on these systems might not always match up to traditional phone service standards, making them potentially susceptible to cyber threats like hacking. Power failures or disruptions in network service become major obstacles since without power or a network connection, communication ceases altogether.

Equipment needs also pose as cons; while some providers offer hardware within their packages, others require additional purchases contributing towards increased initial setup costs.

Limited emergency calling abilities further exacerbate potential problems with this system – if an emergency occurs and 911 is called through a VoIP line, responders might have difficulty pinpointing exact locations due to technical inconsistencies between old and new technology frameworks.

The Role of VoIP in the Future of Business Communication

VoIP solutions advance the way businesses communicate, facilitating seamless conversations across multiple platforms. They integrate various media forms and company software, enhancing overall productivity.

With the added benefit of cost-cutting on traditional calling methods, Business VoIP providers meet every communication need of modern enterprises efficiently. Their importance will unquestionably amplify in tomorrow’s business world as we increasingly move towards digitalized solutions for everything!