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parental control

I. Introduction

Parental controls refer to software tools that allow parents to set restrictions and monitor their children’s activities across devices and the internet. In an increasingly digital world, parental controls have become essential for protecting kids and promoting healthier technology habits.

Aura Parental Controls provides comprehensive parental supervision tools for Apple and Android devices to filter inappropriate content, limit screen time, block apps, and give parents visibility into usage behaviors.

II. Features of Aura Parental Controls

Some standout capabilities of Aura Parental Controls include:

Content Filters

Parents can block access to websites and online materials based on categories like violence, drugs, adult content and more regardless of device location. Protects kids everywhere.

Screen Time & App Limits

Put daily or weekly caps on app usage or total screen access. Limits are customizable by device platform or individually across game, social and entertainment apps tailored to your child’s needs.

Apple & Android Compatibility

Works across iPhones, iPads, Android phones and tablets. Cloud syncing means rules persist across all registered mobile devices in the household tied to a child’s profile.

Safe Gaming Mode

Special restrictions for gaming apps help control in-app purchases and interactions with unknown players during multiplayer battles. Optimizes gaming safety.

Flexible Age Profiles

Separate controls for preschoolers, pre-teens and high schoolers mean appropriate restrictions based on maturity level rather than one-size-fits-all allowance policies. Customizable as kids grow up.

Put together, Aurua Parental Controls provides a full 360 degree view and roles-based policy enforcement tailored to parenting objectives. Now let’s explore why online protections matter.

III. Online Safety for Kids

While the internet offers many resources for learning and entertainment, parents must help minors navigate potential risks:

Sharing Personal Information

Young kids often openly provide names, ages, locations and other details publicly that can enable stranger targeting. Limiting access to messaging apps and using nicknames reduces exposure.

Discussing Online Safety

Having regular conversations about online safety risks starting from an early age, even before providing internet access, develops critical thinking before bad habits form. Get kids involved in rule-setting.

Initiating Early Conversations

Age 5 or 6 when interest in devices begins is ideal timing to set expectations around appropriate websites and apps. Address early questions rather than reacting later to problems encountered.

In an always-on technology world, arming kids with knowledge and self-restraint skills helps set healthy boundaries.

IV. Review of Aura Parental Controls

Expert Evaluation

Independent assessments rate Aura Parental Controls as among the top iOS and Android filters for its granular policy configuration and multi-faceted defense tactics securing devices, connections and content.

Worth Considering

Unlike generic built-in mobile controls, the $9.99 monthly Aura subscription provides unified visibility and restrictions across all household devices – well worth it for families managing 5+ internet-enabled gadgets and multiple kids close in age.

For parents overwhelmed by complex router settings or usage across iOS and Android, Aura Parental Controls offers a simple yet powerful integrated command center to enact your household rules. After a few weeks of adjustment, families experience dramatically better sleeping habits once boundaries are drawn.

V. Controlling Internet Access at Home

Managing your home network environment works hand-in-hand with with per device controls:

Router-Level Parental Controls

All modern routers include basic parental control functions like scheduling Wi-Fi access hours. This establishes an internet off button for the entire household after bedtime.

Content Filtering

Aura surfaces inappropriate web domains for selective blocking at the firewall level for catch leaks across devices. Categories like gambling, social media and pornography can be restricted wholesale.

Together with in-app limits from Aura across your kid’s phones and tablets, full enforcement inside and outside the home achieves protection goals from all angles.

VI. User Guide

Executing effective parental controls requires:

Initial Aura Setup

  1. Create member profiles for each child
  2. Enter kid’s name and birthdate to enable age recommendations
  3. Assign devices to each profile
  4. Select content filters and time limits aligned to maturity

Ongoing App Usage

  • Monitor dashboards for usage activity aligned to rules
  • Receive notifications on rule violations
  • Fine tune restrictions as needed per child
  • Changes sync across devices automatically


If apps won’t launch or install properly, first confirm the device has been successfully added under your account. Then check age-based app permissions which can block installations. Contact Aura support if issues continue.

With Aura Parental Controls properly configured, parents gain peace mind while kids benefit from healthier device habits and online safety – a win-win for the household!

Let me know if you have any other questions!

I. Introduction

Parental control apps allow parents to monitor and restrict their children’s activity on mobile devices. With the rise in smartphone usage among kids, these apps have become important for ensuring their safety and regulating screen time.

Definition of parental control app A parental control or parental monitoring app is a software designed to allow parents to oversee their children’s activity on mobile devices. It enables setting boundaries and rules to manage app usage, filter inappropriate content, track location, etc. The main aim is to protect children from threats like cyberbullying, explicit content, overuse of technology, and invasion of privacy.

Importance of parental control app Parental control apps equip parents to shield children from online dangers. As per reports, over 90% of teens go online daily and 24% are on the internet almost constantly. This underscores the need for parental vigilance. These apps allow setting screen time limits, tracking web activity and location, blocking unsuitable apps and websites, etc. Thus, they foster healthy technology habits in kids.

II. Features of a Parental Control App

An effective parental control app offers a robust set of features to support child safety and device monitoring functionalities.

Compatibility with Android versions The app should be compatible with older and newer Android versions. It ensures wider adoption across devices. Support for latest OS features like app pinning, kiosk mode, etc. also expands monitoring capabilities.

UI/UX design An intuitive user interface with easy navigation enhances usability. Controls and settings must be simple enough for parents to implement device rules effortlessly.

Security and privacy features End-to-end encryption safeguards children’s personal data. Authentication via PIN prevents unauthorized access to the app. Remote locking or data wiping capability also bolsters security.

Screen time limits Parents can preset daily or weekly time limits for app categories or individual apps basis the child’s age. It prevents excessive mobile device usage.

App blocking Blacklisting inappropriate apps and whitelisting educational apps enables parents to restrict access. Category-based app blocking like blocking all social media apps also streamlines monitoring.

Activity monitoring Detailed activity reports on texts, calls, browsing history, search terms, locations visited etc. aid parents in tracking the child’s online behavior and real-world activities.

III. Comparison of 7 Best Parental Control Apps for Android in 2024

Here is a comparison of some of the top-rated Android parental control apps this year based on crucial factors:

  1. Canopy Parental Control

Canopy Parental Control is an intuitive monitoring app enabling step-by-step device setup. Key features include:

  • Filters web content using AI
  • Sets daily screen time limits
  • Tracks real-time location
  • Blocks apps and games
  • Monitors texts, calls and photos
  1. AirDroid

AirDroid facilitates remote device management via a web dashboard. Main capabilities are:

  • Remotely control Android devices
  • Block calls and SMS
  • Monitor installed apps
  • View browsing history reports
  • Track location of children
  1. OurPact

OurPact makes screen time management very flexible. Salient features:

  • Establish curfews for blocking usage
  • Geofencing to restrict access based on location
  • Enable web filtering through categorization
  • Customize app blocking settings
  • Works offline for continued enforcement
  1. Google Family Link

As a free parental control app from Google, Family Link allows parents to:

  • Set digital ground rules for kids under 13 years
  • Approve app downloads and purchases
  • Set daily screen time limits
  • Lock children’s devices remotely
  • Track location
  1. Norton Family

Norton Family delivers comprehensive monitoring facilities in addition to real-time alerts about cyberbullying, suicidal ideation, etc. Main capabilities:

  • Monitors texts, calls and chats
  • Sends notification on detection of inappropriate content
  • Sets time limits across devices
  • Blocks any app
  • Tracks location history
  1. ScreenTime

ScreenTime facilitates multiple parental controls via an intuitive dashboard. Key aspects are:

  • Pause internet instantly
  • Configure app and content filters
  • Schedule device access as per routines
  • Track social media activity
  • Set screen time allowances
  1. Kidlogger

Kidlogger provides extensive surveillance capability to thwart online threats. It offers these functionalities:

  • Monitor texts, call logs, emails, chat apps, etc.
  • Capture screenshots at preset intervals
  • Track web browsing history
  • Listen to surroundings through ambient audio feature
  • View location history

IV. Essential Tools to Develop Parental Control App

Here are some vital tools needed to build an effective parental control app:

Android/iOS Kiosk Mode Tool The kiosk mode locks a mobile device to only use certain apps. Integrating it restricts access to only approved apps as per parental rules.

Screen Pinning API It allows locking the device screen to specified whitelisted apps. Kids will be unable to open other apps or access notifications.

Geofencing SDKs These enable setting up monitored geographical zones and trigger alerts whenever the minor enters or leaves these zones.

Machine learning algorithms
ML techniques can power app capabilities like misspelled obscene text detection, child voice sentiment analysis and more.

Notification manager API It helps remotely disable notifications of distracting apps as per schedules configured by parents.

V. Cost of Developing a Parental Control App

The cost to develop a parental control app varies based on the complexity of features. On average it may cost around:

  • $25,000 to $35,000 for simpler apps with basic functionalities
  • $35,000 to $50,000 for more advanced apps

Additional costs for maintaining servers, adding new features, marketing etc. also need to be factored in.

VI. FAQs on Parental Control App for Android

Here are some common queries about parental control apps:

Does Android have a parental control app? Yes, Android offers Google Family Link as a free parental control app that facilitates monitoring device usage and setting digital rules for children. Many third-party Android apps like Norton Family also available.

What should I look for in a parental control app? A robust parental control app must enable setting screen time schedules, filtering web content, blocking apps, tracking location, monitoring texts/calls/chats, etc. Easy configuration of rules and intuitive dashboards are also vital for usability.

VII. Conclusion

The popularity of mobile devices among children makes parental vigilance essential. Parental control apps allow parents to protect minors from online threats like cyberbullying, explicit content, privacy invasion and digital addiction. Core capabilities like screen time management, app blocking, activity monitoring are crucial.

With cyber risks on the rise, demand for parental control apps shall surge globally. The capabilities of these apps will also expand leveraging new innovations in AI and ML. By 2025, the parental control software market is projected to reach USD 2.1 billion. As Android has 88% market share, parental control apps for Android will see higher adoption worldwide. Leading apps like Google Family Link, Norton Family and AI-based solutions will continue dominating this space.

As parents, we all worry about our kids’ safety online. In 2024, finding the right tools to keep them secure is more important than ever. This guide will show you how to sift through the options and pick the best parental control software for your family.

Dive in to make smart choices that protect your children’s digital world!

What is Parental Control Software?

Parental control software is a vital tool for modern families, designed to help safeguard children’s online experiences and manage their digital footprint. It empowers parents with the ability to monitor activity, filter content, and set boundaries in an increasingly connected world.


Parental control software acts as a set of digital tools that parents utilize to monitor and manage their children’s online activities. It serves a crucial role in today’s tech-driven world, allowing for internet monitoring and content filtering to ensure kids navigate the web safely.

These programs can block access to inappropriate websites, limit screen time, and help maintain cybersecurity for kids.

This type of software equips adults with the ability to oversee what their kids see and do on their devices, from computers to smartphones. With features like website blocking, screen time management, and safe online browsing protocols, it promotes a balanced digital lifestyle.

The goal is smooth child supervision in an era where being connected is second nature for many youngsters.

Software designed for digital parenting also provides peace of mind by creating a protective barrier against unwanted content. It ensures children are not just left alone with the vast expanse of the internet but are guided towards beneficial resources while shielding them from potential dangers lurking online.

Such proactive measures play an essential part in fostering healthy habits concerning technology use among younger generations.


Parental control software serves as a digital parenting tool that goes beyond just keeping an eye on kids. It’s a cybersecurity measure for children, tailor-made to create a safe online environment.

This software empowers parents to set boundaries and manage the content their children can access. With features like web content blocking and device usage monitoring, it ensures that young minds are shielded from inappropriate material.

Setting up these online safety tools for kids helps in tracking their internet use and keeps tabs on the people they interact with digitally. The purpose is clear: safeguard youngsters from the perils of the cyber world while still letting them explore and learn from the vast resources available online.

Parents gain peace of mind knowing they have control over screen time management and internet filtering, which supports healthy digital habits.

Now that we understand what drives our use of child monitoring software, it’s crucial to know how to select one that matches our unique family needs. Moving forward, let’s dive into how you can choose the best parental control software for your family in 2024.


As we navigate the digital landscape, parental control software steps in to safeguard our children’s online journey. It lets you filter out harmful content, ensuring that your kids encounter only age-appropriate material during their internet use.

You can breathe easier knowing these tools empower you with total screen time management, keeping a healthy balance between digital consumption and other life activities for your youngsters.

These cybersecurity solutions do more than just block unsavory websites; they provide comprehensive online monitoring to keep an eye on all digital interactions. This leads to a sturdier line of defense against potential cyber threats targeting young minds.

With safe search settings activated, inadvertent exposure to dangerous content becomes less likely, letting parents feel secure about what their kids are accessing online. Plus, having control over gaming habits stems the worry about excessive playtime in virtual worlds.

Through these robust features, parental control software stands as an essential ally in fostering responsible internet behavior and instilling sustainable screen habits early on in life.

How to Choose the Best Parental Control Software

Selecting the ideal parental control software is a balancing act between your family’s specific needs and the budget you’re working with. With an ocean of options out there, settling on the right one demands diligent research and a keen eye for detail to ensure that your digital parenting aligns perfectly with the tools at hand.

Consider your needs and budget

Start by assessing your family’s specific needs. Do you need to monitor screen time, block websites, or track your child’s location? Maybe you want comprehensive parental guidance software that ensures kid-friendly internet access.

Decide which features are non-negotiable for keeping your kids safe online. Remember the best apps often include scheduling and internet usage monitoring.

After pinpointing the must-have features, turn your attention to your budget. There’s a wide range of child monitoring software, with prices varying from free native OS solutions like Apple’s Screen Time to premium subscriptions for specialized services.

Free versions might cover basic requirements such as web filtering and time management apps but may lack advanced options like GPS tracking for kids.

Explore different packages offered by top-rated family safety tools too. Some might allow customization according to what you value most – be it thorough internet usage monitoring or robust website blocking tools.

Balancing cost against the depth of features will help you find an online safety solution that won’t break the bank while still fitting perfectly into your family life.

Research the available options

Diving into the sea of digital parenting solutions, you’ll find a variety of tools designed to provide child online protection. Explore apps like Apple’s Screen Time and Google Family Link for family internet management.

These services are at the forefront in 2024, offering advanced features for screen time management and web content filtering. Consider Net Nanny for comprehensive monitoring; it’s celebrated as one of the best overall options.

Turn your attention also to Kaspersky Safe Kids for budget-friendly yet effective Internet safety tools. It’s recognized as offering great value without compromising on key features such as digital device restrictions and location tracking.

Don’t overlook free apps that contribute powerfully to child monitoring software choices.

With your research in hand, move forward by delving into reviews penned by other parents and industry experts. This will shed light on how these online parental controls perform in real-world scenarios, helping you make an informed choice tailored to your family’s needs.

Next up is reading reviews and comparing features to further narrow down your options.

Read reviews and compare features

One critical step in finding the best parental control software is to meticulously read reviews and compare features.


Feature Bark Qustodio Net Nanny
Content Filtering Advanced Comprehensive Robust
Screen Time Management Flexible Extensive Customizable
Location Tracking Real-time Yes Geo-fencing
Price Competitive Mid-range Value
Overall Rating Best overall for 2024 Top pick for comprehensive control Best for Android


Comparative analysis reveals Bark’s status as the best overall parental control app in 2024. Observations highlight Net Nanny for its Android optimization. Each software option presents unique advantages, making feature comparison indispensable. With a thorough understanding of features, the evaluation transitions to assessing compatibility with various devices.

Look for compatibility

As you delve into reviews and feature comparisons, prioritize checking device compatibility to ensure the parental control software matches your family’s tech. For seamless integration, confirm that the software runs smoothly on iOS, Android, Windows, or Mac platforms used at home.

Software that syncs with your children’s smartphones is vital for consistent online monitoring and teen online safety.

Additionally, verify if the tool supports social media and messaging app monitoring to keep an eye on digital conversations. A good fit will offer robust web filtering and time management options tailored to Windows users while being adaptable enough for Android and iPhone specificities.

Look for systems with location tracking that align with your family’s routine without compromising their privacy. Compatibility isn’t just about devices but also about fitting into your life in a way that sustains family safety without intrusive overreach.

Check for customer support

Good customer support is essential when you’re dealing with a parental control software. This kind of app helps keep your kids safe online, so you want to make sure help is available if you run into problems or have questions.

Whether it’s setting up internet filters, adjusting screen time limits, or troubleshooting an issue with content blocking, being able to reach out and get a quick response can be invaluable.

Top-notch programs like Kaspersky Safe Kids prioritize their customer service experience. They know that digital parenting solutions need back-up sometimes, especially when they encompass cybersecurity for children.

A reliable customer support team can make all the difference in maintaining family safety using these apps.

When exploring options like EyeZy for iPhones, don’t just focus on features like keylogging capabilities; also check how accessible their customer service is. You’ll want assurance that whenever a concern arises or device usage controls don’t work as expected, someone knowledgeable will guide you through the solution process promptly.

This attention to after-sales support often separates the best parental monitoring programs from the rest in 2024.

Top Parental Control Software of 2024

4. Top Parental Control Software of 2024: Dive into the latest advancements, as we spotlight cutting-edge parental control solutions that have taken family digital safety to new heights this year.

From intuitive interfaces to sophisticated monitoring algorithms, these platforms are setting a high bar for keeping kids safe online.


Aura stands out as a leading child monitoring software specifically designed for iPhones, providing families with comprehensive security solutions. It combines ease of use with powerful features that allow parents to manage and track their children’s online activity effectively.

As an all-in-one family security app, Aura offers top-notch identity theft protection alongside its antivirus and parental controls, safeguarding the entire family.

The software ensures internet security for children by including a VPN to maintain online privacy while kids surf the web or engage in social media. Parents can rest easy knowing they have tools at their disposal for social media monitoring and messaging app screening, making Aura a solid pick in the realm of modern parental guidance apps.

Moving on from Aura’s robust capabilities, let’s explore what Qustodio brings to the table as another option for keeping kids safe online.


Qustodio stands out in the crowd of parental control software for its robust online safety tools and content filtering features. With over 6 million parents putting their trust in Qustodio’s capabilities, it has become synonymous with child protection software that meets modern digital parenting needs.

Its intuitive design allows easy navigation, enabling parents to manage screen time effectively and ensure their kids’ Internet security.

The app takes cybersecurity for children seriously by offering a customizable monitoring system that adjusts to different sensitivity levels based on family preferences. Unlike other child online protection options, Qustodio provides comprehensive reports that help keep parents informed about their children’s digital activities without being obtrusive.

On to Net Nanny, another top-rated solution in this ever-important field of safeguarding our kids’ virtual environments.

Net Nanny

Net Nanny stands out as a leading choice in the world of parental control software, ensuring child safety online with its comprehensive set of tools. Parents praise its modern design and intuitive interface, making it easier to protect kids from harmful content.

This software excels at content filtering, giving parents peace of mind by blocking inappropriate websites and managing screen time effectively.

With Net Nanny’s sophisticated technology, families can shield their children from cyberbullying and safeguard their online privacy. Its features go beyond website blocking; the app restrictions also help parents control which apps their children can use.

The annual subscription for desktop use is competitively priced at $39.99, striking a balance between advanced functionality and affordability.

The robust customer support offered by Net Nanny sets it apart in family internet security services. Users get timely assistance for any issues they encounter, enhancing overall user satisfaction with the service.

Although some may question if Net Nanny matches up to other apps in its category, thorough tests have proven that it holds its own among top contenders in parental monitoring software for 2024.

Microsoft Family Safety

Microsoft Family Safety stands out in the world of parental monitoring software. Parents find peace of mind with features that go beyond simple digital content filtering. The easy-to-use platform lets you set screen time limits, ensuring kids have a healthy balance between their online and offline lives.

With location sharing options, you can keep tabs on your family’s whereabouts at any given time, adding an extra layer of security to your daily routine.

Creating a family group is seamless with Microsoft Family Safety, connecting everyone whether they’re on Windows, Xbox, or mobile devices. This functionality unifies all activities under one account for stress-free online activity management.

Plus, its compatibility across multiple platforms means no member of the family gets left out.

It’s not just about keeping eyes on what youngsters are up to; it’s also about fostering a safe digital environment where children learn responsible internet habits early on. Microsoft Family Safety offers tools that help establish these essential routines while still respecting privacy and promoting trust within the family dynamic.

For parents yearning to nurture their child’s internet safety without being overbearing, this app strikes the perfect balance between oversight and freedom.

Norton Family

Norton Family sets the standard in parental monitoring software, offering robust message screening that tops the charts. Parents get peace of mind with an intuitive web interface, making it a breeze to track kids’ online activities without being tech-savvy.

This tool stands out for its powerful sensitive content filtering, helping shield young eyes from inappropriate material.

Families using iOS and Android devices find Norton Family especially appealing as it smoothly integrates with both platforms. Its impressive array of parental control features cater to the needs of those raising hyperconnected children, although its effectiveness may vary when dealing with savvy teenagers who often seek ways around restrictions.

Despite some limitations, Norton Family remains a cornerstone for parents striving to provide a safe digital environment at home.


Bark stands out in the parental control software scene with its advanced content scanning technology that digs deep into children’s digital activities. It swiftly alerts parents if it detects potential threats or concerning interactions on emails, social media, texts, and even photos.

Offering a blend of internet safety measures and device monitoring solutions, Bark covers various aspects of your child’s online presence.

Equipped with tools for tracking social media use and managing screen time effectively, Bark provides families comprehensive digital parenting aids. Whether you have young kids or teens navigating the web, this app adapts to different age groups seamlessly.

With location tracking and flexible scheduling options included in their plans starting at $14 monthly for premium services or $49 monthly for specialized phone monitoring features, Bark proves to be a versatile choice in ensuring family safety online.

Moving on from individual apps like Bark let’s delve into Mobicip next and explore how it secures children’s internet experiences.


Mobicip stands out as a leading choice for parents looking to secure their family’s online experience. Available across multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Chromebook, this app meets the diverse needs of modern families.

Its robust features allow for fine-tuned management of apps and internet usage by filtering content that might be inappropriate. Parents gain peace of mind knowing they can track their children’s web activities with ease.

Crafted with busy parents in mind, Mobicip simplifies screen time monitoring while ensuring kids remain safe on social media and other messaging platforms. The app excels at sifting through various forms of communication such as texts and emails.

Thanks to its advanced keylogging abilities and meticulous tracking of social media interactions, it embodies a comprehensive tool for child internet security.

With its reputation as a trusted guard against online threats, Mobicip equips families with all the necessary resources to handle digital safety effectively. It competes head-to-head with premium parental control software but doesn’t compromise on reliability or effectiveness—and that’s why so many choose it as their go-to solution for safeguarding youngsters in an increasingly connected world.

Google Family Link

Google Family Link stands out as a cutting-edge phone monitoring app, designed to uphold child safety and promote responsible screen time management. It empowers parents with the ability to supervise their children’s digital experience on both Android and iOS devices.

With this family safety tool, establishing screen time guidelines becomes an effortless task, providing peace of mind for parents who aim to balance technology use with daily life.

Parents can easily filter content, ensuring that kids access only age-appropriate material online. Google Family Link also allows for location tracking so you can keep tabs on your child’s whereabouts when they’re away from home.

For teenagers who value their independence but still require oversight, the app is recognized as one of the top choices for teen screen time management.

Additionally, Google Family Link offers robust privacy controls giving families freedom over what information they share and how it’s used across apps. This functionality is essential in fostering a safe environment where personal data remains secure while navigating various applications and services.

As part of 2024’s best parental control software lineup, its comprehensive features make it indispensable for modern digital parenting needs.

As you explore the digital landscape with your family, keeping everyone secure becomes essential. Parental control software paves the way for safer online experiences. Choose a tool that matches your unique parenting style and your children’s needs.

With the right app in place, gain peace of mind knowing that your kids are browsing safely. Let 2024 be the year you harness technology to create a balanced, protected digital environment for your loved ones.

As we dive into the digital age, parents and kids alike face a tricky question: how do we keep our online life safe and private? You might have heard of VPNs making headlines for internet security, with over half of parents relying on some type of control app to watch their children’s web wanderings.

This article is your map through the maze – explaining how VPNs and parental controls can work together to protect your family. Let’s unlock safer surfing!

What Is a VPN? How Does It Work?

A Virtual Private Network, or VPN, serves as a secure tunnel between your device and the internet. It encrypts your data and masks your IP address, essentially shrouding your online activities in an impenetrable cloak of secrecy.

Protects personal information and location

When you connect to a VPN, your internet traffic is encrypted. This means that no one else can see what you’re doing online—not even your internet service provider or potential hackers.

Your data becomes a jumbled puzzle that only the VPN server can put back together. Encrypting your connection provides strong protection for sensitive information like credit card numbers and personal messages.

VPNs also mask your actual IP address, which is the unique number assigned to your device connecting to the internet. By showing the world a different IP address, they make it look like you’re accessing the web from another location.

This helps keep your physical whereabouts private and prevents websites and advertisers from tracking your movements across the internet. With these shields up, anonymous browsing becomes possible, keeping prying eyes at bay as you surf through cyberspace securely.

Can be used to bypass parental controls

Keeping personal information and location secret is just one aspect of what VPNs can do; they also offer another layer of internet freedom. Teens savvy with technology often turn to VPN services as a means to get around the barriers set up by parental controls.

These tools encrypt online data, making it difficult for parent-installed security measures to track which websites or content their children access.

Using VPN technology, kids can mask their real IP address, essentially becoming invisible under the radar of app-based restrictions and content filters put in place by guardians. This firewall evasion grants them the ability not only to explore unrestricted internet regions but also potentially expose themselves to risks that parental controls aim to guard against.

As VPNs override these safeguards, they create challenges for parents trying to maintain a safe digital environment at home.

Popular Parental Controls and How They Work

When it comes to safeguarding our kids online, parental controls offer a suite of tools designed for oversight and peace of mind. These safeguards function as digital boundaries, helping parents steer their children’s internet journey towards safe harbors while keeping the treacherous tides at bay.

App installation restrictions

Parental controls offer a robust defense against unwanted app downloads. They give adults the power to set up barriers that keep their children from installing applications that may not be age-appropriate or safe.

Using these digital parenting tools, you can block apps by category, restrict downloads to approved lists, or require parental approval for new installations.

Setting these restrictions is straightforward in device settings. As parents, you manage your child’s device through account settings and determine what content they can access. This helps maintain online safety measures by filtering out potentially harmful apps before they ever reach your child’s screen.

Restrictions also prevent kids from disabling the controls since VPN apps cannot change these built-in security features on most devices.


Geofencing turns a physical location into a virtual boundary. It relies on technologies like GPS or RFID to create invisible perimeters for real-time tracking. Imagine your child goes to school, and you receive an alert the moment they step off campus during school hours.

That’s geofencing in action – it empowers parents with instant updates about their kids’ whereabouts.

Many parental controls integrate this feature to restrict access to certain content based on where a child is located. For instance, they might block social media apps within school grounds to keep students focused on lessons.

It’s also widely used beyond parenting, such as in fleet management where companies track vehicles, or in marketing applications that send promotions when potential customers are nearby.

However, it raises privacy issues because individuals’ movements and activities are continuously monitored and controlled through their devices.

Time tracking

Time tracking is a cornerstone feature in many parental control systems. It allows parents to monitor and manage how much time their kids spend on various devices. Parental controls can be set to limit screen time to certain hours of the day, ensuring that children don’t lose sleep or neglect homework because they’re glued to their screens.

This tool can also automatically turn off access when it’s time for bed or study, making digital parenting easier.

By scheduling specific times for device use, parents help cultivate healthy habits in their children’s daily routines. Screen time management becomes less of a battle and more of a structured agreement between parent and child.

Up next: how social media tracking helps keep tabs on online interactions.

Social media tracking

Moving from time tracking, another layer of digital parenting comes into play with social media tracking. This feature allows parents to monitor their child’s interactions on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

It’s not just about keeping an eye on who they’re chatting with; it also helps in overseeing the content they’re posting and viewing. This type of surveillance is crucial since a significant number of parents—nearly half according to some studies—track their children’s internet history to ensure online safety.

Social media monitoring tools can alert parents if their child shares sensitive information or engages in conversations with strangers that could pose potential risks. Beyond personal security, these controls help manage screen time effectively by showing how long kids spend on different social networks.

They empower adults to teach responsible internet usage and protect against cyber threats without stifling the independence that comes with growing up in a digital world.

Email logging

Parents who want to keep tabs on their kids’ online communication often turn to email logging. This digital parenting tool allows them to monitor sent and received messages, flagging any content that may be concerning or inappropriate.

It’s a form of internet monitoring that doesn’t just supervise; it provides insights into the type of interactions their children have online.

Understanding what your child sends and receives through email can be a critical component in web browsing supervision. Even though VPNs encrypt data, they don’t affect email logging, as it works directly with the service provider.

Keeping an eye on inbox activity is straightforward, but parental controls extend beyond emails – they include call and message tracking too.

Call and message tracking

Keeping tabs on whom your kids are texting and calling is a breeze with modern parental control tools. These features allow you to supervise children’s communication, ensuring their conversations are safe and appropriate.

By monitoring phone activity, these controls provide peace of mind regarding who is interacting with your child.

Safety measures extend beyond just oversight; they include the ability to locate your child using GPS tracking. With this technology, not only can you see when calls or texts are made, but also where your child is at any given moment.

It’s an efficient way to maintain a balance between freedom and safety in the digital age while tracking children’s messaging habits without being invasive.

Benefits of VPNs for Child Safety Online

When considering the digital safety of children, VPNs serve as a critical tool. They add an essential layer of defense by shielding kids from various online threats that target vulnerable personal data.

Hides personal information and location

A VPN acts like a cloak for your child’s digital presence, keeping their personal information and geographical whereabouts under wraps. As they surf the web, it encrypts their data, ensuring that sensitive details such as home address or school location stay invisible to prying eyes.

This layer of anonymity online is crucial in protecting kids from potential cyber threats and unwanted contact with strangers.

Using data encryption techniques, a VPN masks your child’s IP address, which is often used to track online activities. By hiding this key identifier, it becomes much harder for advertisers, hackers or anyone trying to monitor or profit from their internet usage patterns to succeed.

Secure browsing becomes the norm with a VPN enabling children to explore the internet without leaving behind a trail that could be traced back to them personally.

Can bypass less restrictive parental controls

Kids can get crafty, and sometimes they discover that a VPN lets them slip past the rules you set to keep them safe online. They might use it to evade blocks on certain websites or dodge time limits for their internet usage.

This tool essentially makes parental controls seem like they’ve disappeared, giving kids free rein over what content they access online.

For parents who only have basic restrictions in place, this can be quite a challenge. Your child could be accessing all sorts of things from video games during homework time to inappropriate content far beyond the safety filters you thought were enough.

It means staying one step ahead is crucial because even simple software used for blocking sites might not stand up against a savvy teenager with a VPN at their fingertips.

Limitations of VPNs on Parental Controls

While VPNs can offer a workaround for certain website restrictions, they’re not a silver bullet. Parental controls that operate on deeper levels—such as app management and activity monitoring—are designed to be robust against such detours, ensuring that some safety measures remain firmly in place.

Certain controls cannot be bypassed with a VPN

Even with a VPN, kids can’t outsmart all types of parental controls. Some high-tech monitoring tools dig deeper than just internet traffic. They check what apps get installed on a device and how much time kids spend on them.

These tools can also track calls, texts, and even the child’s physical location through geofencing technologies. Parents set up virtual boundaries, and if their children cross these lines, they receive alerts immediately.

Other advanced features like email logging or social media tracking aren’t affected by VPN use either. A kid using a VPN might hide their browsing history or unblock certain websites, but parents still see incoming and outgoing emails or how often their teen logs into Instagram or Snapchat.

Smart software keeps an eye on digital communication regardless of any location masking attempts from a VPN. This way, guardians maintain some level of control over online safety and access restrictions remain effective in protecting young ones from potential dangers on the web.


In today’s digital age, safeguarding our children online has never been more critical. VPNs and parental controls serve as key allies in this mission. They offer different layers of protection to meet varying needs for privacy and security.

Together, these tools provide a well-rounded approach to managing what kids see and do online. Harnessing the strengths of both ensures young internet users navigate safely in an ever-connected world.

Navigating the digital world can be a challenge for parents trying to keep their children safe online. With over 1 billion Apple devices in active use worldwide, parental control apps have become essential tools for parents.

This blog will guide you through the top iPhone parental control apps available, detailing their features, pros and cons, and how they can help protect your child from online threats.

Curious? Read on to discover which app could be the best fit for you and your family.

Key Takeaways

  • Qustodio is recognized as the best overall parental control app for iPhone, offering features like web filtering, screen time limits, and location tracking.
  • Norton Family is a great choice for large families, allowing monitoring of an unlimited number of iOS devices and providing features like web filtering and location tracking.
  • Bark specializes in web and social media monitoring, making it ideal for parents concerned about their child’s online activity. It offers extensive coverage across different apps and platforms.

Understanding Parental Control Apps

Parental Control Apps serve the purpose of monitoring and controlling a child’s online activity on their iPhone, ensuring their safety and promoting responsible technology use.

The purpose of Parental Control Apps

Parental control apps serve a critical role in today’s digital age by helping parents ensure their child’s online safety. These innovative tools are designed to monitor and regulate children’s internet use, providing parents with much-needed peace of mind.

They offer features such as web filtering, which blocks inappropriate content from being accessed on the child’s device. With geofencing capabilities, these apps enable parents to establish virtual boundaries for their children and receive alerts when those boundaries are crossed.

Parents can also control app usage, set screen time limits, and even read texts or log calls on some platforms like Android devices thus ensuring safe interaction with technology for kids at all times.

How Parental Control Apps Work

Parental control apps apply a variety of mechanisms to ensure your child’s online safety. Firstly, they use web filters to block inappropriate sites and content based on age-category settings.

They also monitor internet activity by tracking the websites visited and social media platforms used like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. These apps allow parents to set screen time limits for different activities limiting excessive usage.

Additionally, they have location tracking features that offer real-time information about the physical whereabouts of your children for their security. Some parental control applications including Qustodio even have call monitoring and text logging abilities which come in handy in detecting cyberbullying or sexting threats early on devices running Android operating system.

Noteworthy is that Google Family Link lets parents manage app permissions thereby controlling what can be downloaded from Google Play on Android devices.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Parental Control App for iPhone


When choosing a parental control app for iPhone, it is important to consider factors such as compatibility with your device, the features offered by the app, ease of use, and pricing.

Compatibility with your device

Choosing the right parental control app requires you to consider its compatibility with your device. This determines if an app can function optimally on your iPhone. The best apps support multiple platforms, providing convenience for homes with diverse devices.

For instance, Net Nanny is a great choice as it demonstrates excellent integration with iOS devices. Qustodio’s wide range platform support including Amazon Fire tablets and Chromebooks makes it highly versatile.

Alternatively, if your household utilizes Android or Windows, Norton Family proves to be a robust option due to its harmonious operation within these systems.

Features offered

Qustodio offers a wide range of features to help parents monitor their child’s online activity. With this app, you can set screen time limits, track your child’s location, and even monitor calls and text messages on Android devices.

It also includes web filtering technology to block inappropriate sites and content. Additionally, Qustodio provides detailed reports and alerts so that parents can stay informed about their child’s online behavior.

Ease of use

Choosing a parental control app for an iPhone can be made easier by considering the ease of use. Parents should look for apps that offer simple setup and navigation of screen-time controls.

This allows them to easily set limits on app access and overall phone use remotely, ensuring their child’s safety and well-being. Apple’s Screen Time is a recommended option for iOS households as it provides more insight and control over a child’s screen time compared to third-party apps.

Simplifying the process of monitoring and managing your child’s device usage makes it more convenient for parents to implement effective parental controls.


Kaspersky Safe Kids offers a free tier and an affordable paid tier, making it a budget-friendly option for parents. Norton Family is actually free when you use it with Norton’s antivirus suites, saving you money on both parental control and antivirus protection.

ESET Parental Control for Android provides app and time management, location tracking, and SOS messaging features at a reasonable cost. Net Nanny stands out as the best parental control app for iPhone, offering excellent web-filtering technology at a competitive price.

And if you’re using an Android device, Google Family Link is a free option that gives you peace of mind without breaking the bank.

Qustodio: Best Overall Parental Control App

Qustodio is recognized as the best overall parental control app, offering a range of features to ensure your child’s online safety. Find out more about its capabilities and benefits in this blog post.

Features & Description (Qustodio)

Qustodio is a top-rated parental control app that offers a range of features to help parents monitor and manage their child’s online activities. Compatible with iOS, Android, Amazon Fire tablets, Macs, PCs, and Chromebooks, Qustodio provides web filtering to block inappropriate sites and content.

It also allows parents to set time allowances for screen usage and even block specific apps or games. With the ability to log calls and read texts on Android devices, Qustodio provides additional monitoring capabilities.

The user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy for parents to navigate the app and access insights into their child’s online habits. Qustodio goes beyond just internet safety by offering breach alerts, Dark Web monitoring, VPN protection, and antivirus software for comprehensive digital security.

Pros & Cons (Qustodio)

Qustodio, deemed as the best overall parental control app for iPhone, offers a comprehensive suite of features, each with its distinct advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a closer glance at Qustodio’s pros and cons.


Pros Cons
Qustodio is compatible with various platforms including iOS, Android, Amazon Fire tablets, Macs, PCs, and Chromebooks, providing extensive coverage. Qustodio’s comprehensive features might seem overwhelming to some users, particularly those not tech-savvy.
The app can detect and block over 9,000 iOS apps, an exemplary feature that ensures children are not exposed to inappropriate content. Some users might find Qustodio’s VPN technology for web filtering restrictive as it may limit access to some safe websites by mistake.
Users can set daily screen time limits and scheduling, useful tools for parents aiming to regulate their child’s device use. Though functional, Qustodio’s call logging and text reading features are only available for Android devices, leaving iOS users at a disadvantage.
Qustodio provides detailed activity reports that can be generated daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, offering parents insightful data about their child’s device use. Despite boasting a feature-rich suite, Qustodio’s pricing might be steep for some families, considering free alternatives or built-in iPhone features.
The app includes a Family Locator feature for real-time location tracking and geo-fencing options, giving parents peace of mind about their child’s whereabouts. Some parents might find Qustodio’s extensive monitoring features as an infringement of their child’s privacy.


Norton Family: Great for Large Families

Norton Family is a top choice for large families looking for comprehensive parental control. With its wide range of features and user-friendly interface, it offers an effective way to manage online activities.

Read more to discover why Norton Family is the perfect solution for keeping your family safe online.

Features & Description (Norton Family)

Norton Family is a popular parental control app that is specifically designed for large families. It offers a wide range of features to help parents monitor and manage their child’s online activities on their iPhone devices.

With Norton Family, parents can set up app and web filters to block access to inappropriate content. They can also set time limits to help regulate screen time and prevent excessive device use.

The app provides detailed activity reports, allowing parents to track their child’s screen habits and online behavior. Additionally, Norton Family includes a Family Locator feature for real-time location tracking and geo-fencing options, providing an extra level of safety for children when they are outside the home.

Pros & Cons (Norton Family)

Norton Family has its own strengths and weaknesses that make it suitable for some families but not for others. Let’s understand these features more deeply.


Pros Cons
Norton Family offers the ability to monitor an unlimited number of iOS devices, making it ideal for large families. For monitoring calls, text messages, and iMessages, a Mac is required, which can be a limitation for some families.
This app utilizes web filtering using VPN technology to block access to inappropriate websites, ensuring a safe online environment for kids. There’s no dedicated YouTube monitoring feature, which can be a letdown for parents worried about their kids’ exposure to inappropriate content on YouTube.
Norton Family provides location tracking and geo-fencing options through its Family Locator feature. Not all features are available on the iOS platform, with some features being more robust on other platforms.
It includes a parent app for easy management of screen time, allowing parents to control their kids’ screen time from their own device. The subscription price may be a bit steep for some families.
It offers a variety of predefined site categories for web filtering, enabling parents to customize the type of content they deem appropriate.


Bark: Good for Web & Social Media Monitoring

Bark offers advanced web and social media monitoring features, making it a great choice for parents concerned about their child’s online activity. Find out more about this powerful app by reading further.

Features & Description (Bark)

Bark is a comprehensive parental control app that specializes in web and social media monitoring. With over 30 different apps and social media platforms, Bark provides extensive coverage to keep an eye on your child’s online activity.

It offers features like location tracking, screen time management, and website blocking to ensure their safety. What sets Bark apart is its ability to send alerts and notifications to parents about potentially concerning content or interactions on social media platforms.

This makes it particularly useful for monitoring messaging apps and tracking your child’s location, making it valuable for parents of teenagers. Plus, with its user-friendly interface and easy setup process, Bark can be easily managed by parents with varying levels of technical expertise.

Pros & Cons (Bark)

Bark, as a top-rated parental control app, comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at them in the following table:


Pros Cons
Bark offers comprehensive monitoring for over 30 different apps and social media platforms, making it a robust solution for tracking your child’s online activities. Despite its extensive features, Bark might be perceived as too invasive by some, potentially straining the parent-child relationship.
With Bark, you can schedule and limit screen time effectively, thereby ensuring your child’s healthy digital habits. Some users have reported that the app’s settings can be difficult to navigate, potentially causing frustration and confusion.
The app has the ability to block inappropriate sites, providing an additional layer of protection for your child. Bark’s extensive features might be more than what some parents need, making it a bit overwhelming for those looking for simpler controls.
Bark includes breach alerts, Dark Web monitoring, VPN protection, and antivirus software, offering an all-rounded security solution. These extensive features come at a cost, making Bark more expensive than some of its competitors.
It is particularly useful for monitoring texting activity on iOS devices, perfect for parents whose children primarily communicate via text. Some parents might find that Bark offers more than they need for monitoring calls and text messages, particularly for younger kids who might not be using these features as extensively.


FamiSafe: Good for Monitoring Teen Driving Habits

FamiSafe is an excellent choice for parents who want to monitor their teen’s driving habits. With features like GPS location tracking and real-time alerts, you can ensure their safety on the road.

Read on to learn more about FamiSafe’s capabilities and how it can benefit you as a parent.

Features & Description (FamiSafe)

FamiSafe is a powerful parental control app designed specifically for monitoring teen driving habits on iPhones. With FamiSafe, parents can easily track their child’s physical location and receive detailed driving reports directly through the app.

This ensures that parents are aware of their teen’s whereabouts and driving behavior at all times. The app also allows parents to set speed limits and receive instant alerts if their teen exceeds the designated limit while behind the wheel.

Additionally, FamiSafe enables parents to create geofences and receive notifications whenever their teen enters or leaves a predetermined area while driving. Overall, FamiSafe is considered one of the top parental control apps for monitoring teenage driving habits on iOS devices in 2023.

Pros & Cons (FamiSafe)

FamiSafe is a standout among parental control apps due to its specialized features in monitoring teen driving habits. However, like any app, it has its strengths and weaknesses. Here, we delve into the pros and cons of FamiSafe.


Pros Cons
FamiSafe provides comprehensive monitoring of teen driving habits, including real-time GPS tracking, driving reports, and speed alerts. Some users have reported issues with the accuracy of the app’s tracking features.
Parents can set geofences to receive notifications when their teen enters or leaves specific areas.
FamiSafe offers detailed driving history data, providing information on routes, speed, and mileage.
Speed limits can be set, and alerts are sent to parents if those limits are exceeded by their teens.
Parents can also monitor their teen’s device usage, which includes apps they use and websites they visit.
The app is compatible with both iOS and Android devices, making it versatile and accessible.


Mobicip: Detailed Scheduling Feature

Mobicip offers a detailed scheduling feature that allows parents to set specific time limits for device usage, creating a structured and balanced routine for their children. Find out more about how Mobicip can help you manage your child’s screen time effectively.

Features & Description (Mobicip)

Mobicip is an iOS parental control app that offers a range of features to help parents monitor and manage their child’s device usage. One of its key features is the detailed scheduling feature, allowing parents to set specific time limits for when their child can use their device.

This helps in ensuring that screen time is limited and balanced with other activities. Additionally, Mobicip provides customizable app and web filters based on the time of day and day of the week, giving parents more control over what content their child can access.

The app also offers content filtering for websites, YouTube, and social media platforms, allowing parents to block specific websites or apps as needed. Furthermore, Mobicip includes location tracking, geo-fencing capabilities, social media monitoring functionality,and usage reports to give parents insights into how their child is using their device.

Pros & Cons (Mobicip)

Mobicip provides a myriad of benefits but also has a few drawbacks. A detailed examination of both its pros and cons will give you a clear understanding of its effectiveness as a parental control app for iPhone.


Pros Cons
Mobicip offers a detailed scheduling feature, allowing parents to set specific time limits for device and app usage. The app doesn’t currently support location tracking or geofencing, although these features are planned for future updates.
The app has excellent content filtering capabilities, enabling parents to block inappropriate content on websites, YouTube, and social media. Currently, the app can only be installed on one device with the Lite version, which may not be sufficient for families with multiple children.
The “pause all devices” feature can be a useful tool for parents wanting to limit their child’s device usage. The pricing starts at $2.99 per month for the Lite version, which may not be as affordable for some families.
Mobicip provides parents with usage reports that detail how a child spends their time on their device, allowing for the monitoring of their online activities.
The child dashboard feature helps children to understand their own device usage and even set their own goals.
The company plans to introduce exciting new features such as an SOS panic button and a goals and rewards system.


Net Nanny: Good Web Filtering

Net Nanny offers excellent web filtering features to keep your child safe online. Find out more about its advanced protection capabilities and how it can benefit your family’s digital safety.

Features & Description (Net Nanny)

Net Nanny is widely regarded as the top parental control app for iPhones. With this app, parents can easily set screen time limits and schedules to manage their children’s device usage effectively.

One standout feature of Net Nanny is its YouTube monitoring capability, which allows parents to track and filter inappropriate content on the popular video-sharing platform. Additionally, the app provides regular activity reports that give detailed insights into a child’s online behavior.

For added peace of mind, Net Nanny offers call and text message monitoring features, ensuring that parents can stay informed about who their child communicates with. Furthermore, the app includes Family Locator functionality for real-time location tracking of your child’s device.

With uninstall protection in place, Net Nanny ensures that your parental controls stay intact even if your child tries to remove the app from their phone or tablet.

Pros & Cons (Net Nanny)

Net Nanny, a top-rated parental control app for iPhone, presents both benefits and drawbacks.

Pros Cons
Net Nanny has an intuitive and modern design, contributing to user-friendly navigation. When compared to some competitors, Net Nanny offers fewer predefined categories for its web filtering capabilities.
The web-filtering technology offered by Net Nanny is excellent, allowing parents to block access to inappropriate websites.
This app allows parents to set time allowances, track their child’s location, and block certain apps.
One unique feature of Net Nanny is its ability to mask profanity on websites, providing additional protection for kids.
It provides detailed reports on web activity, aiding parents in keeping track of their child’s digital footprint.


Despite its minor limitations, Net Nanny proves highly beneficial, offering efficient tools to manage children’s digital life.

How to Use Parental Control Apps Effectively

Learn how to set reasonable screen time limits, monitor your child’s online activity, and utilize location tracking features to ensure their safety. Discover the best practices for maximizing the benefits of parental control apps on your iPhone.

Read more to become an expert in keeping your child safe online.

Setting reasonable screen time limits

Setting reasonable screen time limits is a crucial aspect of parenting in the digital age. It helps ensure that children have a healthy balance between technology use and other activities.

Experts recommend scheduling screen-free time, such as during meals or before bedtime, to encourage face-to-face interaction and quality sleep. By setting clear boundaries and communicating expectations with your child, you can help them develop responsible habits when it comes to using electronic devices.

Monitoring your child’s online activity

Net Nanny, the top-rated parental control app for iPhone, provides an effective solution for monitoring your child’s online activity. With features such as web filters, it allows parents to block inappropriate sites and protect their children from online predators.

Additionally, Net Nanny offers real-time alerts and notifications to keep parents informed about their child’s internet usage. By tracking the websites visited and providing detailed reports, Net Nanny ensures that parents have a clear understanding of their child’s online behavior and can take appropriate actions when necessary.

Using location tracking features

Parental control apps like Net Nanny, Norton Family, ESET Parental Control for Android, and MMGuardian offer location tracking features that allow parents to monitor their children’s whereabouts in real-time.

These features help ensure the safety of children by providing parents with information about their location at any given time. In addition to real-time monitoring, some apps also provide an SOS messaging feature that allows children to send a distress signal with their location information included.

Whether it’s knowing where your child is during an emergency or just keeping tabs on their daily activities, using location tracking features can give parents peace of mind. Best of all, these features are available for both iOS and Android devices, making them accessible to a wide range of users.

Common Misconceptions About Parental Control Apps

Parental Control Apps cannot be outsmarted, as they are designed to provide effective monitoring and control over a child’s online activity.

Can Parental Control Apps be outsmarted?

Parental control apps have become increasingly advanced in recent years, making it difficult for children to outsmart them. These apps use sophisticated technology and features such as web filtering, app blocking, and screen time limits to ensure that parents have control over their child’s online activities.

Additionally, some parental control apps can monitor text messages and calls on Android devices. While no system is perfect and there may be ways to bypass certain restrictions, parental control apps are designed to provide a strong line of defense against inappropriate content and excessive screen time.

They offer parents peace of mind by allowing them to monitor their child’s online behavior and protect them from potential dangers on the internet.

Are Parental Control Apps invasive to privacy?

Parental control apps are designed to help parents protect their children online and manage their screen time. While these apps provide valuable tools for monitoring and controlling online activities, there may be concerns about privacy invasion.

However, it’s important to note that reputable parental control apps prioritize the privacy of both parents and children. They use secure encryption methods to protect data and ensure that sensitive information is not accessible by unauthorized individuals.

Additionally, most parental control apps allow parents to customize the level of monitoring they feel comfortable with, giving them the ability to strike a balance between supervision and respecting their child’s privacy.

Can Parental Control Apps monitor calls and text messages?

Parental control apps have different features and capabilities, and some can indeed monitor calls and text messages. For example, Qustodio is able to log calls and read texts on Android devices.

Norton Family also offers call/text monitoring for both Android and Windows households. However, it’s important to note that not all parental control apps have this feature. Screen Time, for instance, does not provide text/call monitoring on iOS devices.

So if you specifically want this functionality in a parental control app, make sure to choose one that offers it.

Comparing Free Vs. Paid Parental Control Apps for iPhone

Assessing the differences between free and paid parental control apps for iPhone involves considering several factors.

– Availability of features: Paid parental control apps such as Net Nanny or Qustodio typically offer a wider range of features compared to free ones.

– Effectiveness: Paid apps often provide more comprehensive filtering, monitoring, and blocking features, making them more effective in keeping children safe online.

– Support and updates: Paid apps usually come with quicker and more reliable customer support, as well as more frequent updates for compatibility with the latest versions of iOS.

– Free apps like Google Family Link offer basic features like app blocking and time management, but they are limited in their monitoring and filtering capabilities.

– Kaspersky Safe Kids is a notable exception among free apps, offering robust features on its free tier, as well as an affordable paid tier.

– Cost: Naturally, free apps don’t require any financial investment, unlike paid apps which may require a one-time payment or a subscription fee.

– Ads: Free apps often contain ads, which can be annoying and could potentially expose children to inappropriate content. Paid apps, on the other hand, are usually ad-free.

– Ease of use: Both free and paid apps can be user-friendly, but paid apps often provide a more streamlined and intuitive interface.

– Multi-device support: While free apps usually restrict their services to a single device, paid apps like Qustodio support a wide range of platforms including iPhones, Android devices, Macs, PCs, and Chromebooks.

– Customization: Paid apps often allow more customization to suit individual family needs compared to free apps.

Why Use Parental Control Apps Instead of Built-in iPhone Features?

Parental control apps offer a range of features and benefits that go beyond what is available through the built-in iPhone features. One reason to use parental control apps is that they provide more comprehensive monitoring and filtering options.

For example, with apps like Net Nanny and Qustodio, parents can set up web filters to block inappropriate content and limit access to certain websites or categories.

Another advantage of using parental control apps is their compatibility across multiple devices. Apps like Norton Family and OurPact are designed to work not only on iPhones but also on Windows computers, giving parents greater control over their child’s online activities across different platforms.

Parental control apps also often come with additional features such as time management tools, location tracking, call monitoring, and text message logging. These functionalities allow parents to set screen time limits, track their child’s whereabouts, monitor communication activities for potential risks like cyberbullying or sexting.

Overall, while iPhones do have some built-in parental control features like Screen Time settings and App Restrictions, using dedicated parental control apps offers a more robust solution with advanced capabilities for better supervision and protection of children in today’s digital age.


Choose the best parental control app for your iPhone to ensure your child’s safety and well-being online. Qustodio stands out as the top choice, offering comprehensive features such as web filtering, screen time limits, YouTube monitoring, and location tracking.

With Qustodio, you can have peace of mind knowing that your child is protected from harmful content and online dangers.


1. Can a parental control app help monitor my child’s activities on their iPhone?

Yes, a parental control app can help you monitor your child’s activities on their iPhone by providing features such as content filtering, screen time tracking, and app usage monitoring.

2. How do I install a parental control app on my child’s iPhone?

To install a parental control app on your child’s iPhone, you can download it from the App Store and follow the installation instructions provided by the app developer.

3. What features should I look for in the best parental control app for an iPhone?

The best parental control apps for iPhones should have features like website blocking, social media monitoring, location tracking, screen time limits, and age-appropriate content filters.

4. Are there any free options for parental control apps for iPhones?

Yes, there are free options available for parental control apps on iPhones. However, they may have limited features compared to paid versions. It is important to research and choose an option that meets your specific needs and preferences.