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VPN with Port Forwarding

I. Introduction

Port forwarding is a method for allowing external devices to connect to specific ports associated with internal private network devices that are otherwise hidden behind the Network Address Translation technology used in most routers. When used in conjunction with a virtual private network (VPN) connection, port forwarding provides a means to securely transfer information while also concealing one’s identity and location through the encrypted VPN tunnel.

The VPN connection encrypts internet traffic including port data and masks the originating IP address with that of the VPN server, adding enhanced privacy and security. Port forwarding then enables access to devices inside the home or organization network protected behind the VPN, such as remotely accessing files stored on a personal computer over the internet through a secure pathway.

Together, VPN port forwarding furnishes a powerful arrangement blending accessibility, security and control for remote device interconnection spanning endpoints globally. We’ll explore the functionality in full detail below.

II. What is Port Forwarding?

Port forwarding associates a public-facing port on the router with the IP address of a specific internal device, allowing unique packets of information to be securely transferred even across the public internet based on specified protocol or application needs.

A. Explanation of Port Forwarding

Every home and office router employs Network Address Translation (NAT) to allow all internal network-connected devices to share a single public IP address used by the router interfacing externally with the wider internet. This hides potentially dozens of computers, media players and smart home gadgets behind the common IP of the router itself which handles routing data internally to specific endpoints.

The downside of NAT however is that devices held privately behind the router remain shielded from initiating outbound external connections or receiving inbound requests in turn. Port forwarding provides an avenue for selective traffic to access specified internal IPs through designated ports the router forwards externally originating data to.

B. Types of Port Forwarding

Several main port forwarding arrangements with distinct applications include:

Local Port Forwarding

A router maps internal client ports to external ports of the same number which masks the internal IP scheme entirely. Local port forwarding allows receiving specific external data while preventing device identification.

Remote Port Forwarding

In this case, routers listen internally across designated high-number ports rarely randomized by end devices and map received data to reroute onto a predefined internal client application port instead for receiving internally by the desired service securely.

Dynamic Port Forwarding

Routers allocate random external ports which map continually to the same designated internal client port and address as needed for frequent data transfers to dynamic endpoints.

C. Allows External Access to Local Network

Fundamentally, port forwarding permits authorized external devices, whether on premise or remotely across the internet, to connect securely through the router firewall into the internal private network and access local resources by opening limited pathways segmenting access based on port number and forwarded device IP address designation.

This gives administrators granular control segmenting access without fully exposing the internal network while still enabling specific secure information transfers in or out. When paired then with VPN encryption encapsulating all connection data end-to-end, port forwarding extends networks securely while minimizing vulnerability.

III. Why Use Port Forwarding with VPN?

While port forwarding carries benefits individually, combining VPN connections expands advantages and use cases substantially:

A. Speed Increases

Enabling port forwarding on VPN tunnels accelerates connection speeds by allowing custom UDP or TCP port assignments across individual VPN tunnels. This avoids bottlenecking and data fragmentation slowdowns common assigning everything through VPN provider default ports.

B. Remote Device Access

Linking VPN encrypted tunnels to forwarded ports inside private networks allows securely accessing local NAS media files, remote desktop connections to office workstations and other networked resources abroad through VPN browser-based portals or mobile apps securely without a standalone client.

C. Risk Mitigation

On unprotected connections, port forwarding can introduce security risks by exposing internal resources to discovery and exploits. But nestling port forwarding exclusively inside encrypted, access-controlled VPN connections closed to unauthorized users mitigates risks substantially while furnishing desired accessibility.

IV. How to Set Up VPN Port Forwarding

Popular premium VPN providers offer port forwarding configuration guides for supported VPN protocols:

A. PPTP Port Forwarding Setup

Because Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol relies on single TCP 1723 and GRE protocol 47 ports, manually specifying alternate ports is unnecessary. However, confirming PPTP pass-through requests automatically granted by your VPN provider and router furnishes similar throughput benefits bypassing traffic inspection.

B. L2TP/IPSec Port Forwarding Setup

Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol paired with IPSec encryption utilizes UDP ports 500 and 4500 plus ESP protocol 50 by default. Manually assigning alternate ports 50001 and 45001 avoids conflicts while accelerating throughput via custom endpoints.

Utilizing your router admin console, assign these public ports to route onto the local L2TP client IP address and ports accordingly. Partnered with VPN-allocated endpoints, devices can now interface securely via high-speed L2TP/IPSec links.

C. OpenVPN Port Forwarding

OpenVPN requires more precision given the wide range of listening ports applications select automatically from 1194 to 65535 plus UDP or TCP options. But with programmable flexibility comes added complexity.

First utilize OpenVPN command modifiers “–port” and “–proto udp/tcp” alongside “–dev tunX” interface naming to assign fixed alternate ports and protocols avoiding conflicts.

Next tunnel over VPN links with port forwarding to the exact internal IPs and specified ports for streamlined OpenVPN traffic isolation.

Advanced configurations can manipulate process priorities balancing speed versus encryption using Wyseman’s TunTapOVPN wrapper script for added performance controls.

D. IKEv2/IPSec VPN Port Forwards

Internet Key Exchange version 2 implemented through strongSwan, Libreswan and other IPsec interfaces permits manually defining custom UDP listener ports through their respective configuration files to achieve virtual port forwarding assignments.

Pairing entries with VPN-connected external endpoints redirects inbound requests through the isolated IPsec tunnel onto internal network destination IPs using Segment Routing identifiers for matched data packet handling.

V. Security Considerations

While powerfully equipped for accessibility and performance, implementing port forwarding still warrants thoughtful security planning limiting external entry points.

A. Attack Vulnerabilities

Attackers can potentially target open ports brute forcing credentials or exploiting unpatched software vulnerabilities interacting through exposed endpoints – especially risky on unencrypted connections outright visible to surveillance.

But nestled within well-secured VPN links bounded by stringent access controls, the threat landscape shrinks substantially. Still, prudent measures balancing functionality against least privilege access principles foster best outcomes shielding networks long term.

B. Recommended Safeguards

Employ time-based access controls, IP whitelist filters and secondary authentication prompting through VPN gateways providing layered validation before routing remote requests internally further.

Multifactor authentication protecting VPN logins themselves plus intrusion detection systems flagging unauthorized connection bids also discourage misuse. More narrowly defining precise port forwards rather than unrestricted access prevents exploit risks while still enabling legitimate usage.

C. Implementation Guidance

When configuring port forwarding, only open bare minimum ports essential for required requests. Temporarily enabling access only during active usage can limit exposure also. Remember to disable or reconfigure port forwarding promptly after changes to internal infrastructure as well to avoid inadvertent access through stale pathways.

VI. Conclusion

VPN-nested port forwarding furnishes powerful remote access solutions harnessing encrypted tunnels safeguarding internal networks with added proactive defenses securing external entry points against misuse. Practiced prudently abiding by least privilege provisions granting explicit access, port forwarding addressed through VPN links help organizations embrace mobility and remote interoperability securely.

Before implementation however, provide clear policies and scaled guidelines around intended access levels for personnel and external third parties alike detailing precise permissions, protocols and port specifications authorized. Enforce adherence through VPN, router and internal firewall policies monitoring alignment. Reassess controls continuously and reset access revoking outdated provisions to keep infrastructures shielded against evolving exploits. Wielded together responsibly, hybrid VPN and port forwarding constructs heroically advance infrastructure possibilities balancing security against mobility today for networks tomorrow still.