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Securely Store and Distribute Digital Healthcare Data on Nirvanix Cloud Storage

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network offers a managed storage tier that economically scales on demand to hundreds of petabytes to meet today’s explosive growth of digital medical data. The Cloud Storage Network complements the high-performance storage that supports core medical and lab processes, and by using standards-based APIs or the Nirvanix CloudNAS, you can consolidate storage for PACS, radiology, lab, and clinical information systems to eliminate the inefficiencies of disparate silos. To further reduce costs, Nirvanix technologies integrate with leading deduplication and compression technologies.

The Nirvanix cloud helps to enable compliance with HIPAA and other regulatory acts by featuring SAS 70-compliant nodes, policy-based geo-replication capabilities, robust encryption for data in flight and at rest, and strong password-controlled access. You can manage your institution’s storage with a single namespace and offer child accounts that provide designated users with quick and secure access to medical files, expediting both treatment and collaborations. We further reduce the cost and complexity of long-term retention by automatically and seamlessly migrating data to new disks on standard refresh cycles. With Nirvanix, you always have the secure, accessible, cost-effective storage that enables hospitals, clinics, labs, imaging centers, and other healthcare providers to fully realize the promise of electronic medical records.

Key Benefits

Unlimited Capacity

On-demand storage for the most burgeoning demands

Reduced Cost and Complexity

Eliminate redundant systems for storing, protecting, and sharing patient medical records

Easy integration

Streamline storage quickly and easily

Secure Storage

Support HIPAA-compliant applications

Are you prepared for the explosive growth in healthcare information systems?

The growing call for the adoption of electronic medical records (EMR) is very cogent. By digitally storing each patient’s records and clinical data, healthcare providers can diagnose, treat, and track patients faster and more effectively, especially when multiple specialists are needed. The result is lower costs and better care. Yet, as institutions deploy EMR, data growth will be exponential, especially from digital X-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans, which generate large files. Managing this data will be a huge undertaking and expanding primary storage is not the answer. NAS solutions run the risk of compartmentalizing data for various departments, and building out SANs means perpetually increasing IT budgets and data centers.

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is designed to meet the scalability and accessibility required by the explosive growth in EMR. You can consolidate multiple tiers of NAS into one accessible archive, gaining near infinite storage capacity with extraordinary security. You will do away with the cost and headache of designing, configuring, and operating tiered storage that must constantly grow. You also will ensure that patient and clinical data are always accessible for both medical and regulatory needs. With the Nirvanix cloud, you have the practical, cost-effective solution for realizing the many benefits of digital healthcare records.

Are you adequately protecting your patients’ medical records?

The regulatory demands for healthcare data are among the most stringent in any industry. Patient files must always be private, safely backed up for years, and easily accessible. Tape, a traditional long-term retention strategy, is error prone and poses security risks when in transit. Tape also cannot meet accessibility demands because tape recoveries, particularly for extended timeframes, are very slow and laborious. At the same time, retaining an active mirror of a dataset presents challenges. Long-term retention demands multiple point-in-time copies, permitting a rollback of data to a previous state. In-house replication also incurs the cost and complexity of a remote data center that is over-provisioned to ensure future capacity.

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network meets the healthcare industry’s need for secure archives. You can use policy-based replication to store data at multiple storage nodes that meet SAS 70 compliance. Nirvanix solutions encrypt data both in flight and at rest and enable you to instantly verify the integrity of your files. You also can make data securely available to selected users. We even seamlessly migrate data to new discs on standard refresh cycles, eliminating the complexities of long-term retention. With its secure long-term storage, the Nirvanix cloud will help you to comply with HIPAA Privacy and HIPAA Security Rules as well as other mandates for data privacy.

Can you effectively share information to improve productivity and medical outcomes?

The sharing of information among hospitals, clinics, labs, and imaging centers is essential for high-quality healthcare. Data, however, is often stored in disparate silos within departments and labs, which hinder collaborative processes and are very difficult to manage and audit. Moreover, the rapid consolidation of healthcare organizations has forced many IT staffs to set up ad hoc storage solutions to support the integration of their applications, creating still more information silos.

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network lets you consolidate and distribute medical records and files from an almost infinitely scalable storage platform, eliminating the costly inefficiencies of separate repositories. Our CloudNAS software and open API allow popular backup and archiving products to write directly to our storage cloud and they support leading deduplication and compression solutions. The Cloud Storage Network is the only cloud storage service that offers global access under a single scalable namespace. You can create multiple, password-protected child accounts to permit and control access to data with whitelists for distributed users and workgroups, helping to ensure compliance with mandates like HIPPA.

To speed time to use, Nirvanix’s policy-based geo-location functionality automatically determines the optimal location to store your files within the network. You also can specify one or more globally dispersed nodes to place content in proximity to distributed users. The Nirvanix cloud gives you secure control over who accesses your archived data, enabling you to deliver critical patient information when and where it is needed.

Retain Customers and Create Revenue Streams with Nirvanix Cloud Storage

For service providers that must remain competitive against cloud computing firms, the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network delivers a fully-managed storage tier with nearly unlimited, on-demand scalability. The efficiencies and pricing of the Cloud Storage Network permit you to offer storage to customers at a fraction of the cost of an in-house cloud storage solution and more economically than leading cloud computing providers. You will quickly bring to market a secure, global storage platform to support the applications and services needed to attract and retain customers. Our standards-based APIs or the Nirvanix CloudNAS rapidly allow applications to read and write to the cloud for seamless integration. You will always deliver the capacity and services that customers demand, eliminating the risks of over- or under-provisioning internal infrastructures. Moreover, Nirvanix features Offsite Data Protection and rock-solid security, ensuring the availability and reliability that enhance customer satisfaction and generate revenues

Key Benefits

Increase the Bottom Line

Reduce churn while gaining new revenue streams

Lower Risk

Eliminate forecasting and costly capital commitments

Reduced Time to Market

Enter the market in weeks instead of months

Instant Global Footprint

Store data on any of Nirvanix’s secure global storage nodes

Reduce Churn, Increase Service Offerings and Add New Revenue Streams

Are you at risk of losing customers to cloud computing services?

Cloud services are a compelling solution for end users who are looking both to reduce their costs and scale to meet peak loads. Users are increasingly testing cloud services and starting with cloud storage, where adoption is relatively simple. However, many traditional service providers will miss out as users focus on storing data with companies that also offer cloud computing services. Once an organization’s data is stored on a cloud computing service, the likelihood that it will also migrate its hosting and compute services increases substantially. Firms are driven by the allure of on-demand pricing and the desire to avoid multiple vendors and bandwidth latency issues. Service providers can mitigate this risk by partnering with a pure play storage-as-a-service provider like Nirvanix. By doing so, they can economically supplement existing services and infrastructure without needing to manage a complicated software solution.

Are you looking to build a cloud storage option but lack the resources or time?

When adding cloud storage to a service offering, service providers have two high-level options. The first is to build and manage a solution in-house by developing software or utilizing software from a “private” cloud storage provider. This option is costly, complex, and time consuming. It requires significant capital expenditures to acquire and deploy hardware and software, and necessitates adding resources to monitor, maintain, and expand the solution. The second option is to utilize a fully managed cloud storage service provider like Nirvanix. Depending on your requirements, you can either utilize Nirvanix’s existing network or, if your need is great, deploy a storage node within your facility and become part of our global Cloud Storage Network. Either way, Nirvanix manages, monitors, and maintains the solution, reducing both initial and ongoing investments. You will benefit from an additional revenue stream and reduced churn.

Why is building a private cloud an impractical solution?

Building a private cloud by utilizing off-the-shelf hardware and purchasing software is one way to ensure that customers do not move to a cloud computing service. This option, however, comes with significant risk and may lead to a competitive disadvantage. Service providers need to accurately forecast usage, which often leads to low utilization and wasted capital or over-utilization and a poor user experience. Additionally, private clouds are limited to the locations where the software and hardware are installed, putting service providers at a strategic disadvantage to competitors that have access to global storage delivery networks. By leveraging a fully managed storage-as-a-service provider with a secure global network such as Nirvanix, service providers eliminate the need to acquire, monitor, and maintain an additional set of hardware and software and gain an instant global footprint.

Nirvanix Meets the Many Storage Needs of Today’s Financial Services Companies

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network meets the incessant growth of financial data by delivering a managed storage tier that economically scales on demand to petabytes. You never again will worry about over- or under-provisioning, even in today’s uncertain markets. The Cloud Storage Network’s high-performance storage complements the key transaction processing systems at banks, asset managers, insurance companies, and other financial institutions. You can consolidate workflows and eliminate the inefficiencies of disparate storage silos by using standards-based APIs or the Nirvanix CloudNAS to integrate storage with your key applications. And to further reduce costs, Nirvanix technologies integrate with leading deduplication and compression technologies from our partners.

The Nirvanix cloud helps you meet complex compliance requirements with features such as our policy-based geo-replication capabilities, secure encryption for data in flight and at rest, and strong password-controlled access using token-based authentication with server-side session management. The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is hardened and SAS 70-compliant. You can manage storage with a single namespace and expedite transactions by offering child accounts or whitelists to designated parties for quick access to financial files. We further reduce the cost and complexity of long-term retention by automatically migrating data to new disks on standard refresh cycles. With Nirvanix, you always have the secure, accessible, cost-effective storage to meet your compliance needs. You will flexibly adjust to a changing business landscape and leverage your financial information for competitive advantages.

Store Financial Information Cost-Effectively While Supporting Compliance and Collaboration – Key Benefits

Reduced Cost and Complexity

Consolidate repositories into a scalable, managed infrastructure

Secure Storage

Deploy secure storage, supports encrypted files and transfer via SSL

Highly Reliable

Gain policy-based automation for the highest data integrity

Highly Scalable

Meet unpredictable growth with scalable, cost-effective, on-demand storage


Can you continue to cost-effectively store ever-growing volumes of financial data?

Across the financial services industry, the volumes of unstructured data are growing. In addition to data produced by traditional databases and transaction processing systems, document-intensive operations like loan applications and claims processing as well as collecting “tick-level” trading data, archiving audio monitoring of call centers, and maintaining workgroup servers and mobile storage for employees are creating still more files to store. Banks, insurance companies, asset managers, and other institutions also must comply with stringent data retention and accessibility regulations. Tape storage makes it difficult to meet compliance requirements for data accessibility, and SAN and NAS are costly at the needed scales. Tiering storage means perpetually adding to already complex environments. Moreover, the businesses’ service expectations are increasing even if they cannot tell you what they will need 6 months from now.

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network delivers on-demand storage that flexibly scales from terabytes to petabytes at a fraction of the cost of in-house tiered storage. You can consolidate unstructured NAS and tape storage into one accessible archive, eliminating the complexity and expense associated with building out tiered storage. Our policy-based replication and robust security measures meet regulatory demands. Moreover, our solution consultants can help you to apply best practices and standardize your storage service catalog, using the Nirvanix cloud to achieve unsurpassed efficiencies.

Are you truly satisfying regulatory mandates and SLAs for offsite data protection?

Financial records are very sensitive, which is why IT staffs for institutions such as banks, insurance companies, and asset managers face stiff challenges. They must meet regulatory mandates like Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel II, and Reg NMS, as well as internal SLAs, to ensure the security of data. They may need to retain this information offsite for years, while always satisfying rapid recovery time objectives (RTOs) for e-discovery needs. Yet, traditional storage solutions are near the end of their usefulness. Tape fails to meet tight RTOs and is notoriously error-prone. The improper handling of tapes is the cause of many high-profile data-loss incidents. In 2005, a major international bank lost tapes containing 4 million customer records, costing it some $200 million to notify each customer as demanded by Gramm-Leach-Bliley. Retaining an active mirror of a dataset also leaves much to be desired. Long-term retention requires multiple point-in-time copies, allowing a rollback of data to a previous state. Compliance archives must be immutable if they are to show the state of a system at a certain point in the past. Replication and mirroring may be fine for disaster recovery, but they fail to fully meet the data protection needs of financial institutions today.

With the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network, you will safeguard your financial archives and satisfy compliance mandates. Nirvanix’s policy-based replication technology enables you to store datasets at one or more SAS 70-compliant storage nodes. Nirvanix solutions encrypt data both in flight and at rest and the integrity of your files is checked and verified. You also can create multiple password-protected child accounts to make designated storage areas available to selected parties or control access via IP using whitelists. We even automatically migrate data to new disks on standard refresh cycles, eliminating the complexities of long-term retention. Moreover, because your files are always available on disk-based storage, you can quickly restore data for any e-discovery or compliance needs. With the Nirvanix cloud, your financial archives remain safe, private, and in your control.

Can you effectively share information to improve workflow productivity and business results?

Banks, asset managers, insurance companies, and other institutions must fully realize the business value of their data to remain competitive and profitable. Yet, managing storage across distributed sites like branch locations is very unwieldy and results in ad hoc storage silos that are difficult to audit. To expedite data-intensive workflows, many have deployed document management systems to ensure files are available for all manner of transactions and reviews, but the rapid penetration of these solutions into networks often produces even more dispersed storage on file servers. Additionally, uncontrolled file servers spawn availability and security risks that are unacceptable for sensitive financial data.

With the Nirvanix cloud, you can consolidate and distribute all financial records and files from one almost infinitely scalable storage platform, eliminating the inefficiencies of multiple repositories. Our CloudNAS software and standards-based API allow popular backup and archiving products to write directly to our storage cloud. We also offer the only cloud storage service that provides global access under a single namespace. You can create multiple, password-protected child accounts to permit access to data or deploy whitelists via IP. To further improve data accessibility, Nirvanix’s policy-based geo-location functionality automatically stores your files at the optimal location within the network. You also can specify one or more globally-dispersed nodes to place content in proximity to dispersed parties. The Nirvanix cloud gives you secure control over who retrieves your archived data so your institution fully leverages the value of its data.

Nirvanix Preserves and Distributes Digital Media Assets with Unmatched Economy and Efficiency

For content-intensive companies like film, video, and music producers, television and radio broadcasters, magazine and book publishers, and advertising agencies, the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is a storage tier that scales on demand from terabytes to petabytes at a fraction of the cost of in-house tiered storage. You always have the storage capacity you require without upfront costs, even in this age of HD content. Our cloud complements high-performance storage that supports core digital workflows and is integrated with leading digital media archive solutions such as Atempo’s Digital Archive or Front Porch Digital’s DIVA Solutions archiving and distribution software.

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is also a multi-purpose distribution platform that flexibly, quickly, and securely distributes media content for reuse. You can use the cloud as origin storage for a content delivery network, embed content on websites, create content-depot drop boxes, use whitelists to authorize access via IP, or deploy child accounts for distribution groups. Moreover, Nirvanix ensures security and reliability with offsite data protection, policy-based geo-replication, and data integrity checking. You will deter content piracy with secure encryption for files in transit or at rest and robust password-controlled access using token-based authentication with server-side session management. We also deliver extended lifetime storage by seamlessly migrating data to new disks on standard refresh cycles. The Nirvanix cloud even supports leading deduplication and compression technologies from Ocarina and others, ensuring the Cloud Storage Network is an unsurpassed solution for digital content storage and distribution.

Key Benefits

Reduced Cost and Complexity
Deploy a single archive for storage, reuse, and distribution

Rapid Time to Reuse
Gain flexible one-to-one and one-to-many distribution

Highly Scalable
Obtain on-demand, cost-effective expansion to hundreds of petabytes

Secure Storage
Deliver robust offsite data protection with policy-based geo-replication


Are you adequately protecting and preserving your digital media assets?

Media is now a digital business. Film, video, and music producers, television and radio broadcasters, magazine and book publishers, and advertising agencies create their new content digitally and are digitizing existing content. As the primary and irreplaceable asset for generating revenue streams, content must be kept very safe. However, tape vaults, a traditional long-term storage strategy, fail to meet business-critical needs. Writing, handling, shipping, and retrieving tapes is notoriously error-prone, with very few error-checking procedures. Yet the popular alternative, data replication, is expensive, demanding building, staffing, configuring, and operating a remote data center. It also entails installing over-provisioned hardware to ensure future capacity, driving up investments still further. The cost and complexity of maintaining secure long-term storage repositories for media content will only get worse.

With the Nirvanix cloud, you will gain extremely scalable, highly secure, long-term archives in which to preserve and safeguard even the most precious digital media files. Nirvanix’s policy-based replication allows you to copy content automatically to one or more of our geographically-dispersed storage nodes. Unlike tape, you can organize and manage your storage at any time, and permit designated users to rapidly and securely access files for reuse. Additionally, you will reduce the expense and uncertainties of mirroring data in-house for extended retention periods. You will avoid any guesswork for provisioning as well as purchasing, configuring, testing, and managing solutions that drain IT resources. We even automatically and seamlessly migrate data to new discs on standard refresh cycles, further streamlining your digital media storage.

Is your storage strategy limiting your ability to monetize your digital assets?

Given production costs of creating content, reuse of digital assets is critical to profitability. Media companies need to save different versions of content, such as directors’ cuts, outtakes, and raw footage, for potential reuse. Repackaging digital content requires a highly accessible yet cost-effective storage tier to maximize the monetization of these critical assets. Every distribution channel has its own format, however, and HD files are extremely large, resulting in media archives that are petabytes in size. At this scale, NAS is too expensive, robotic tape libraries are too complex, and offsite tape vaults are too inaccessible.
The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is designed to address the scalability and accessibility required by ever increasing digital media libraries. You can consolidate multiple tiers of NAS into one accessible archive, gaining almost infinite scalability and on-demand storage with dependable security. You will do away with the cost and complexity of designing, configuring, and operating tiered storage that you must grow constantly. The Nirvanix cloud is the practical, cost-effective solution for leveraging the value of digital media assets.

Is the cost of digital distribution limiting your revenue-generating opportunities?

To generate revenues, media assets must be distributed. Yet distribution can be complex and costly. Various media outlets demand multiple formats of content and have different distribution systems, such as traditional channels versus Internet delivery, or content delivery to cell phones, iPods, and other emerging media. Moreover, distribution workflows are often separate from creation and production workflows. And protection from piracy is always needed to preserve revenues. To meet these demands, as a result, storage costs can soar to the point where some distribution channels are uneconomical for all but the most frequently viewed “hot” content.

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network delivers file management to preserve and rapidly distribute digital media assets. It is the only cloud storage service to feature a global namespace, easing global access to data. You can deploy password-protected application namespaces or child accounts for different distribution groups, integrate your archive as origin storage for a content delivery network, or embed content in web sites for long tail distribution. You can create content-depot drop boxes for one-to-one distribution or specify access via IP with whitelists. Moreover, you can specify one or more globally dispersed nodes to place files in proximity to distributed users to optimize re-use. You can expedite distribution even further by using metadata functionality to tag, organize, and search for content. With secure control over who accesses your archives, the Nirvanix cloud enables you to distribute stored content with unmatched economy and efficiency.

As enterprises continue to adopt and expand VMware-based environments, protecting data used by virtualized applications is crucial for ongoing business operations. IT departments, therefore, have to maintain rigorous backup and replication processes in order to achieve recovery time and recovery point objectives. However, with data growing exponentially and backup and replication files multiplying equally fast, IT managers are faced with increasingly costly purchase/upgrade cycle of storage systems and tape silos in addition to the space, cooling, and power expenses, and staff to manage them.

Nirvanix cloud storage services not only provide superior economics over onsite backup and replication of virtual machines, but also maximize data protection through globally distributed redundant copies for disaster recovery. In addition, Nirvanix offers usage-based pricing for on-demand storage to meet spikes, while reducing power and cooling costs, and freeing up data center space and IT staff for applications that will enhance enterprise competitiveness.

Nirvanix Enterprise-Class Cloud Storage: A Seamless Extension of the VM Environment

Nirvanix’s battle-hardened, second generation implementation of cloud storage services seamlessly extend the backup and replication of VM environments and deliver:

  • Usage-based pricing – Lower CapEx from day one
  • Elastic, on-demand storage immediately deployable: expand or shrink storage pool as required – No physical storage systems or tape silos to buy, manage, and house; No idle storage
  • Guaranteed enterprise QoS – No excuses SLAs with up to five nines of data availability
  • Multi-level security – Safeguard critical business data used by virtualized applications
  • Global network – Access files from any location; Leverage redundant copies for disaster recovery
  • One flat monthly rate for unlimited uploads, downloads, bandwidth and replication – No maintenance fees; No tech refresh costs
  • Backup and Replicate VM Environments to the Nirvanix Cloud

Protecting business critical data used by VMware-virtualized applications by moving to Nirvanix cloud storage requires no changes to workflows or processes. The Nirvanix cloud is tightly integrated with backup and replication products from leading providers or you can simply establish the Nirvanix CloudNAS® Gateway as a target for CommVault, Symantec, or Veeam software.

Choice of Cloud Deployment Options

Nirvanix is the only company that offers public, hybrid and private cloud storage deployment options under its CloudComplete™ portfolio to protect VMware-based environments – with flexible, usage-based pricing available for all options.

Control Your Storage Capacity with Nirvanix Cloud Storage

Embed Nirvanix into your application or device and you immediately have enough storage to meet even explosive growth. By relying on our managed, on-demand capacity, you will eliminate the challenges of forecasting, architecting, and maintaining your storage environment. The feature-rich Nirvanix Web Services API lets you easily and seamlessly integrate storage into an application, a web page, or an entire infrastructure. You will avoid upfront capital expenditures for hardware, free up resources to focus on your core application, and accelerate the delivery of solutions and services.

Key Benefits

Instant Scalability

Scale to meet the most explosive growth and eliminate storage forecasting and management burdens

Easy to Manage

Gain immediate insight into storage and bandwidth utilization

Reduce Time to Market

Access a robust file system and integrated child account functionality to significantly reduce your development time

Do you worry about over- or under-provisioning storage for your application?

Web developers and software-as-a-service providers often struggle to forecast storage requirements when creating a new service or application. Even their most informed projections can be wildly off the mark, resulting in dire consequences. Under-provision and you compromise the user experience, jeopardizing the application’s market adoption and success. Over-provision and you squander precious capital that can be put to better use.

By integrating the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network into your storage environment, you never again have to worry about over- or under-provisioning storage for any application. Our Cloud Storage Network scales instantly and affordably, enabling you to develop applications or host your infrastructure to meet even the most demanding needs. End users will never know that Nirvanix is powering your online storage, and your solutions will prosper with unmatched cost efficiencies.

Need online storage to remain competitive, but lack the budget for expensive storage equipment?

Integrating online storage into an application can enhance the user experience and boost the provider’s competitive position. Yet, historically, only larger enterprises have offered integrated storage because of the costs and complexities involved. It demands purchasing and installing the appropriate storage equipment and then hoping that end users utilized the solution enough to justify the investment. These days, however, deploying and managing online storage consumes large chunks of IT budgets and every company is capital constrained, not just start-ups. As a result, this approach is now too risky for many organizations.

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network eliminates this risk by delivering on-demand storage that is economical and virtually unlimited. You can easily plan, use, and pay for the storage you need, when you need it. Nirvanix offers convenient à la carte pricing for storage requirements under 2 TB, and customizable pricing packages that feature discounts for storage over 2 TB. With Nirvanix, storage costs no longer impede the competitive delivery of applications and services.

Is developing, architecting, and managing a storage solution affecting your time to market?

Time-to-market is a vital consideration for any business, especially those in the fast-paced web application and software-as-a-service markets. Yet, time-to-market can be significantly impacted if you develop the storage infrastructure for your application or service in-house. It can take months, even years, to build, test, and implement the solution. In the meantime, your competitive advantages can slip away and you see no yields on substantial capital and operational investments. Delays in launches can doom companies, particularly start-ups.

By using the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network, you will never again worry about purchasing or implementing storage, or whether you properly provision your infrastructure. With the feature-rich Nirvanix Web Services API, you have access to integrated functionality that significantly reduces your development time for such capabilities as media services and child account management. You will leverage an advanced, managed storage infrastructure that offers capacity upon demand, allowing you to bring your solutions to market with unprecedented speed.

Consolidate, Control, and Distribute Content with Nirvanix Cloud Storage

Nirvanix offers a complete solution for content storage needs. When you integrate storage for applications, services, and web sites into the Nirvanix cloud, you will replace disparate, ad hoc storage repositories and their attendant costs and complexity with a single, secure, unlimited solution. You will gain a global network of storage nodes that intelligently stores data in the best location for optimal performance, and you will consolidate files for digital asset and content management. You will control access to all data using a global namespace and safeguard them with policy-based replication. You can classify files using metadata and tagging, and then distribute them with easily managed child accounts for teams and projects. Moreover, by controlling and managing storage according to your business needs, you will facilitate the use of content, leveraging its business value and improving productivity and efficiencies.

Key Benefits

File Sharing

Enable content exchanges within and beyond the enterprise

Streamlined Collaboration

Distribute files to improve content-intensive workflows

Efficient Storage Management

Classify, organize, and find files for efficient storage

Reduce Cost and Complexity

Eliminate multiple repositories for on-demand provisioning and simplified management

Do you need to securely transfer files to divisions and partners around the world?

Business processes today are highly distributed. Divisions and work groups must continually share information with each other and with customers, partners, and suppliers—sometimes across the globe. Using email attachments to forward content, however, results in many copies of files residing on multiple servers and desktops, consuming network resources and posing version control problems that cripple productivity. At the same time, allocating internal storage for sharing and collaboration presents unauthorized access issues that are laborious to resolve.
The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is the only cloud storage service that offers global access under a single namespace, making it the ideal storage distribution platform for today’s enterprise workflows.

You can create multiple password-protected child accounts to control access to data for different users and workgroups. Each account is easily managed and can have unique storage and bandwidth limits associated with it. You also can embed content on websites, create content-depot drop boxes, or deploy whitelists to authorize access via IP. To further expedite file reusability and collaborations, Nirvanix’s policy-based geo-location functionality automatically determines the optimal location to store your files within the network. Moreover, you can specify one or more globally dispersed nodes to ensure content is in proximity to your distributed users.

Are your organization’s ad hoc or dispersed storage solutions becoming unwieldy and unmanageable?

Digital asset management and software-as-a-service applications are invaluable for optimizing employee efficiency. However, their rapid penetration into networks often forces divisional IT departments to support them with ad hoc storage on file servers. This has created dispersed, multiple storage repositories that are unwieldy to manage and audit. Uncontrolled file servers, in particular, have spawned availability and security risks that are unacceptable for business data, services, or applications.

By integrating the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network into your applications, you can consolidate all storage in one managed location, doing away with disparate information silos that inflict administrative and financial burdens. Nirvanix’s standards-based APIs or our CloudNAS enable you to easily integrate your applications and services into the cloud. You also will gain policy-based replication that can save multiple copies of files at secure, globally-distributed storage nodes. With Nirvanix, your data are always available and you are always in control.

Do unstructured data so litter your network that finding and using content can be difficult?

Information clutters every network. When unstructured data are stored in scattered repositories, locating content for use can be challenging. Additionally, email attachments exchanged between employees, let alone entire work groups, create multiple copies of the same files. The impact on enterprises can be very substantial. Content becomes fragmented and difficult to use, resulting in missed opportunities to leverage information. Unneeded copies of files residing on servers waste costly network resources and present version-control issues that disrupt the workflows of content-centric processes. Productivity and efficiencies suffer.

By consolidating your applications onto the Nirvanix storage cloud, you gain control of both your storage and data. Nirvanix supports metadata functionality so you can tag and organize files when you store them. You can maintain your categorization methodologies and enable customizable search parameters that even include the properties of multimedia files. Additionally, you have full file system functionality and can create and control dedicated storage repositories for workgroups, enabling you to further organize files and facilitate their access.

Optimize Storage SLAs and Cost by Leveraging Cloud Storage as a New Tier

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is your tier for unlimited & accessible storage

Moving forward, the costs and complexity of meeting relentless storage demands will only increase, as will expectations that even archival data be quickly accessible. The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is a unique managed storage service that offers virtually limitless capacity on demand at a lower cost than any on-premise solution. Simply install the Nirvanix CloudNAS software on a server (or in a virtual machine) and your applications can read and write to the cloud just like any file server. By leveraging a less expensive, disk-based storage tier, you will reserve your primary storage for production applications and data, while satisfying stringent compliance, SLAs, and governance demands. Moreover, our solution consultants can help you to implement best practices and standardize your storage service catalog using the cloud to achieve unsurpassed storage efficiencies.

Key Benefits

Lower Cost

Reduce the growth of your expensive, nearline storage environment

Highly Accessible

Continuously access and use your data

Reduced Complexity

Eliminate management, maintenance, and capacity planning for multiple tiers of storage

Better Performance Against SLAs

Accelerate recovery times for all data to meet business expectations for accessibility

Effortless Control

Policies, monitoring capabilities, and a familiar file system provide complete control over your stored data


How can I store perpetually growing volumes of data?

Data growth was once modest, files were small, and keeping primary data on NAS did not tax staff or budgets. But realities have changed. Networks now support most business operations, swelling data creation, and files are content-rich and much larger. Regulatory and business practices not only demand that enterprises retain key data for longer time periods, but also require that the files be readily accessible. Moreover, with network data business critical, SLAs necessitate faster recovery time objectives (RTOs).

In this new reality, traditional NAS, nearline, and tape strategies have become expensive and complex. Continually expanding a data center or DR site imposes heavy capital costs, greater power, cooling, and space demands, as well as larger IT staffs. Deduplication and compression techniques help only temporarily to slow data growth. Even if infinite money, floor space, and operations staff were available, building out bullet-proof storage to satisfy business, regulatory, and SLA demands is challenging.

With all this in mind, we created the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network to meet your present and future storage needs. Using the Nirvanix cloud, you can consolidate lower tiers of storage and tape into one accessible archive, eliminating the complexity and expense of designing, configuring, and operating tiered storage. You will gain virtually infinite storage capacity with security measures likely to exceed those of your network, freeing you to focus on production data. You will enhance operational efficiencies and sharply reduce hardware, space, energy, and staffing costs.

Are you getting the ROI you expected from tiered storage?

To contain costs, enterprises keep production data on high-end, high-performance systems while consigning static and archival data to lower performing, less costly “bulk” storage. Yet, tiering storage poses recurring issues that undermine return on investment. In-house tiered storage still requires buying, configuring, and managing costly storage solutions with no end in sight. It also perpetually demands more floor space, larger power and cooling budgets, and more staff maintenance. Additionally, there are inefficiencies. To ensure SLAs are always met, applications as well as aging data, despite their low utilization, are often hosted on expensive storage systems that exceed agreement terms. The economic sweet spot is “just right” storage that sustains SLAs without incurring costs for unnecessary performance.

Cloud storage offers a highly cost-effective alternative to in-house lower-tier storage. At a fraction of the cost, Nirvanix delivers enterprise-ready storage that meets your SLAs. We simplify the management of your tiers by integrating Nirvanix CloudNAS with existing applications so you can seamlessly move data to the cloud. You can even use our policy-based replication to meet higher SLAs for availability. By turning to the virtually unlimited capacity of the cloud, you will realize the strongest returns on investment while still leveraging in-house storage for the applications that require it.

Does your non-primary storage actually meet your accessibility requirements?

Many enterprises invest in tiered storage to comply cost-effectively with data retention policies and SLAs. They eventually store data on tape in an off-premises vault, freeing up storage in the data center. However, there are rising expectations for data access due to compliance and electronic discovery requirements and the need to rapidly reuse data/content to realize their business value. Yet, when tapes are locked away, files become inaccessible. Both simple requests, like a user clicking on an old email, or complex ones, like a legal discovery that spans time segments, can require retrieving and mounting multiple pieces of media and then manually accessing the data.

The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network keeps your data continuously accessible. By storing your data on disks in the cloud, your enterprise benefits from lower ownership costs and much faster recovery time objectives (RTO) and time-to-reuse (TTR) than tape. You will meet if not surpass your compliance, SLA, and discovery requirements.

Safety, Compliance & Peace of Mind – Nirvanix Meets Today’s Data Protection Challenges

You can move beyond the limitations of traditional backup and archiving solutions by leveraging the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network as a secure remote repository for your critical data. Data stored with Nirvanix are quickly and easily saved at one or more hardened, geographically remote locations, but always remain instantly accessible for compliance and business needs. Data are encrypted both in flight and at rest for extraordinary security. Our CloudNAS software and open API allow many popular backup and archiving products to write directly to our storage cloud and they support the leading deduplication and compression solutions. With Nirvanix, you maximize IT budgets by paying only for what you use rather than continually building out complex, expensive, and error-prone tape infrastructures.

We believe that policies equal control, which equals compliance. Our policy-based solutions give you unsurpassed control of your data, opening up new possibilities for your archives. Customize your storage by storing copies of files at multiple sites to meet stringent retention policies. Precisely control who accesses your accounts and assign different policies to different data sets. Quickly verify, find, and retrieve files for compliance needs. In the process, you will replace hefty capital investments with a flexible, monthly operational expense. We simplify the safekeeping and maintenance of archival storage, even automatically and seamlessly migrating data to new discs on standard refresh cycles. You will free IT resources for production data and meet all compliance, business, and governance requirements securely and cost-effectively.

Key Benefits

Reduce Costs

Eliminate hardware purchases and labor-intensive tape backups

Secure Storage

Data is copied to one or more remote SAS 70-compliant locations and encrypted both in flight and at rest

Instant Access

Data is immediately accessible for restore, reuse, or compliance

Reduce Complexity

Eliminate management and maintenance of tape and disk systems

Effortless Control

Policies, monitoring capabilities, and a familiar file system provide complete control over your stored data

Why do I need the headache and cost of keeping copies off-site?

Whether bound by regulations or good business practices, all enterprises must store copies of their critical data away from their data centers to protect this information from natural disasters and accidental or malicious modification. However, long-term retention demands complex and difficult to manage technology refreshes and data migrations. Moreover, an effective retention policy today must meet stringent demands.

The offsite storage repository has to be highly secure, continually monitored, and, of course, cost-effective. It has to be forever scalable as the volume of data generated grows inexorably and regulatory guidelines impose longer retention periods. Data also must be available constantly and easily to satisfy business and recovery needs. Finally, files must be quickly searchable and accessible to verify and fulfill regulatory compliance. Enterprises can meet these requirements using internal resources, which typically strain budgets and IT staffs, or by turning to simpler, more economical solutions offered by storage service providers.

Why not continue to rely on backup tapes?

For decades, tape media has been the traditional data retention strategy for most enterprises. Although tape locks away large volumes of data, it is a generations-old technology that no longer meet business needs in the age of high-speed data networking and regulatory compliance.

First, tape is burdensome. The media requires IT staff to manually and routinely make backups and ship the tape offsite. Moreover, enterprises suffer from vendor lock-in because they must use the same hardware and software environment five years from now to read tapes made today. Therefore, while tape may initially seem practical and cost-effective, it generates many expenses that elevate its long-term cost of ownership.

Second, accessing data from tape is cumbersome. Retrieving data demands poring over indexes of tape contents, obtaining the appropriate tapes, and carefully rebuilding the files on production networks. This laborious process consumes IT resources and delays access to business-critical information.

Therefore, and this is a deal-breaker, tape is woefully inadequate in today’s regulatory environment. Administrators must verify that vital data are stored and quickly locate and retrieve specific information should a compliance issue arise. Yet tape indexes are limited and provide no full-text search capability. Consequently, tape suffers in comparison to modern alternatives like the Nirvanix cloud storage service.

Is your data really secure on tape?

If used properly, tape media can effectively warehouse data offsite, but this is a mission-critical “if.” The process of writing, handling, shipping, and retrieving tapes is notoriously error-prone. There are few error-checking procedures to confirm that all data have been properly stored. In fact, many high-profile data-loss incidents were due to the improper handling of tapes.

These limitations undermine the security of a long-term tape backup strategy, particularly since superior alternatives are now available. Advanced solutions from Nirvanix encrypt data both in flight and at rest and enable you to instantly verify the integrity of your files.

Is in-house data replication a good alternative to tape?

For years, enterprises have replicated their data to disk at offsite locations for the rapid recovery of operations in the event of a disaster. Yet, merely retaining a single active mirror of a data set leaves much to be desired when it comes to meeting backup and compliance demands. Long-term retention requires multiple point-in-time copies, permitting a rollback of data to a previous state. Additionally, compliance archives must be immutable if they are to show the state of a system at a certain point in the past. Therefore, while replication and mirroring are excellent choices for disaster recovery, they do not meet all today’s data protection needs.

Moreover, in-house replication is expensive and complex. It requires building, staffing, configuring, and operating a remote data center, which is very costly. It also entails installing over-provisioned hardware to ensure future capacity, driving up capital outlays still further. The fact is the costs and complexity of maintaining long-term, compliance-ready storage repositories are only going to worsen. Addressing compliance and business demands with in-house backup is becoming too expensive and burdensome for all but the most highly capitalized enterprises

Nirvanix has partnered with the industry-leading backup and archiving software vendors to enable seamless access to the Cloud Storage Network.

Symantec Corporation

Symantec industry leading backup and archiving software combined with Nirvanix enterprise-class cloud storage services provide a reliable and simple way to use the cloud as easily as on-premise storage while lowering costs. With Symantec Cloud Storage Solutions for Nirvanix, integration between Symantec NetBackup, Backup Exec, and Enterprise Vault software and Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is simple, automated, and policy-based. Nirvanix cloud storage appears in the Symantec administrator console as disk storage, just like a local storage device. You can start moving data to the cloud with one click in minutes – not days, months or years.

Veeam Software

Veeam Software, an Elite VMware Technology Alliance partner, develops innovative products for virtual infrastructure management and data protection. Customers can reduce costs, minimize risks and fully realize the promise of virtualization with Veeam. Veeam vPower™ provides advanced Virtualization-Powered Data Protection™ and is the underlying technology in Veeam Backup & Replication™, the #1 VMware backup solution.

Riverbed Technology

Riverbed Technology and Nirvanix have partnered to create a complete enterprise cloud storage solution that provides a secure, easy to implement, scalable service for storing and protecting backup data in the public cloud. Riverbed® Whitewater™ storage acceleration appliances and the Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network™ together significantly reduce costs through an elastic pay-as-you-go storage pool for backups and archives and the elimination of expensive remote disaster recovery hardware.

CommVault Systems, Inc.

Nirvanix and CommVault have partnered to bring enterprise cloud storage to Simpana customers via an integrated cloud storage connector. The Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network is now accessible as an offsite scalable storage target enabling secure transfer of data directly to any of its globally distributed storage nodes.


From large, centralized data centers and distributed enterprises to small remote offices, Atempo provides highly-scalable backup and recovery, archiving and security solutions for Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX, iSeries and all major databases and applications. Atempo has integrated Nirvanix support directly into Atempo Digital Archive, an enterprise-level archiving solutions to solve the growing problem of managing storage resources and ensuring long-term protection of business-critical data.